Chapter fourteen: Medicine.

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"For the last time, I do not need to see Manuela, Hubert." The pair of you stood outside your room, bickering about whether your headache was something to worry over.

"If something happened, I'd feel too guilty. Come now." He tried his best to convince you, you were surprised it wasn't awkward between you two considering the previous affairs. You had to think, taking his mind off of your pained head was the only option you could summarise with.

"You're handsome." You smiled up at him, losing him in his tracks. It felt weird to say, considering this was Hubert you were saying it to. Usually, a comment like that would be an asking for an early execution.

"Do not try and sweet talk me out of this." He stayed stern yet blushed, no one had ever called him that. In fact up until a day ago he was sure his looks would drive you away.

"Heh, your blush is so adorable~." You cooed, he was like a young school boy. You meant everything you said, but it was also helping you let his mind wander from Manuela's room.

"___, why must you do this?" He sighed, the words echoing throughout the abandoned hall.

"Aww don't be a grump." You had no idea what you two were, just that you knew that the feelings of lust, admiration and everything between, were shared. You tugged at his sleeves, bringing him closer.

"I-I am not trying to be." Still finding it hard to believe that the ___, was pulling him close like this, and even calling him handsome.

"Come on, you be my medicine!" You beamed, now that everything was in the air your personality changed when alone with him. You were sweet, loving and clingy. Not that Hubert cared, he actually liked the thought of you needing him.

"If I didn't know any better, it seems your head is fixed quite a bit already." He stated smugly. Trying his best to avoid romantic conversation, he had no idea how to actually handle himself in one.

Perhaps being a loner for the past twenty years didn't do well for his spontaneous romance side. You grew tired of dropping idle hints on what you really wanted. Caving, you looked off and frowned.

"Hubert, if you don't kiss me I'll lock myself away." You folded your arms, knowing he was avoiding it. But why?

"Did you just..?" The man was taken aback, "I had a feeling that was what you wanted." A half toothed grin slapped on his face like a fool. Highly glad you asked for it directly, making him guess would get you nowhere.

"Do not patronise me!" you laughed as Hubert walked you backwards into your room, his hands glued on your hips to guide you.

"My apologies, I didn't know you were so..needy." Kicking the doors behind him, getting a sudden boost of much needed confidence.

You squealed as the doors slammed behind the shadowed man, jumping up into his sturdy arms, your own circling his neck.

"As light as feather." He commented, your head now above his own, foreheads touching, breathing in-sync. "Would it be bad for me to admit I missed this dearly?"

"I feel the same." you whispered, taking the lead this time and pressing your much plumper lips onto his thinner ones. Hubert's grip tightened, thinking of places to put you down other than the floor, or your bed. One being too suggestive, the other giving him back problems.

The desk? It would have to do.

He broke the kiss and carried you across your room. Your heart flipping when he placed you on top of your (thankfully) clear desk.

"Much better." He hummed, standing between your legs and pulling on your bottom lip.

He certainly had a way to make you weak, any little thing he did, you yearned for more.

Giving in, you let him hungrily taste your mouth. Gentle at first but eventually reaching peak make-out. Both grabbing waists, necks, cheeks or whatever you could find that would satisfy the intensity of the kiss. Of course one area Hubert avoided at all costs, your chest.

How do I even initiate that? Is she ready? Is it too soon?

"Hubert?" You stared to notice his slowing pace and wondered if he was okay.

"My apologies ___." He leaned in again to kiss you but you stopped him, pulling your head back to the wall behind you.

"What is the matter?"

"Must we talk about it now? We only have so much time at lunch." He frowned, wanting to spend all the time he could get showing you how much he liked you. How he missed you.

For him, free time was a God send. Usually impossible.

"We have to be honest." A small smile from you eased his nerves, your soft hands running lines through his hair.

"I was just contemplating." The raven haired man took a deep breath, "When you would be ready for more."



"What consists of 'more'?"

Hubert tried to think of ways to show you rather than say the words. So he scaled your back, reaching the bump under your shirt that was the hook of your bra, and pressed lightly.

"Ohh, well perhaps not now." Pointing at the clock you felt your skin burn, his hands still pressing over the straps.

"You're right." The clock stated you were late. However the bell never rang. He helped you off the desk with one move, "Shall I walk you to class?"

"I would love that."


Byleth waited patiently for you both to arrive. You were fifteen minutes late, rare for both of you. But happening to the two of you, on the same day? Something must have happened.

"Professor!" You froze at the door, expecting class to have only begun, yet finding many impatient eyes staring you down.

"___. At last, you kept us waiting." Byleth squinted at you, your hands were fidgeting together as there was clearly something you knew that he did not.

In fact there was two things:

1-For two days in a row you and Hubert had secretly been seeing each other romantically.
2- Said Hubert was waiting behind the wall so it didn't look suspicious if he walked in with you.

"Is something wrong? You don't seem to be focused-wait- were you attacked?!" Byleth had noticed your messed hair and smudged makeup, something you don't even usually wear. Your uniform was also falling all over the place, shirt wrinkled and a button undone.

"I was sleeping, I woke late I am very sorry." Which would have been true if you didn't get distracted. You took your seat by Henry, who was eyeing you up. Pointing out what you had to fix like a beautician. 

After five long minutes, Hubert walked in. Everything in pristine-clearly overhearing the conversation on your messed appearance and changing his own.

You stared, envying his ability to make everything look so perfect and in place without even a mirror. He simply gave you a small smirk, not looking at you directly, but clearly aiming it at yourself all the same. His hair covering everything apart from his smirk as he sat down.

"Right. Best get on with this lesson." Byleth coughed, being the only one who seemed suspicious.


I re-wrote this three times. THREE. 1200 Words per chapter and I did it THREE TIMES.

My rant is over, and I really appreciate the reads, votes and idle comments. Although I never began publishing this for such things.


~Deadly feelings~ Hubert x Reader FE3HWhere stories live. Discover now