Chapter thirty-six: Partayy

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"Engaged." Ferdinand repeated the word over and over.

"Yes, engaged." Edelgard raised an eyebrow, "Here read the letter if you want-"

"No. I do believe you." He shooed the deadly piece of paper away from his sight. "But why now?"

"I may have given him the go ahead." Edelgard admitted, remembering back to when Hubert asked her for permission to wed you. If you said yes of course.

"Do you not see how this will complicate things?" Ferdinand sighed, his arms waving about in frustration and jealousy. "I suppose there isn't much we can do now since she said yes."

"Exactly, support him, Ferdinand. Hubert needs friends at this stage of his life." Edelgard put it as more of an order than a request.

"Yes. Of course." He nodded, heart flipping over and over with guilt.

* * *

"Welcome home." Hubert mumbled, looking at the monastery with a dire expression on his face.

"I consider your depressed Manor as more of a home." You grumbled, feet unwillingly walking into the entrance hall.

"You may decorate it as how you wish once the war is over." Hubert noted, not being bothered that years of tradition and styles will be broken with your interior designing skills.

"Hubert, that place will be a holiday home." You snorted, as if you were living there for the rest of your life. You were a Queen, you had to reside in Nestra.

"Our positions make this difficult." Hubert swallowed, unsure on how to feel about being so far from Edelgard.

"Hubert." You stopped the man, "You will be royalty. Prince consort. King in some terms."

"Abdicate?" He japed, not fully realising the hole he dug himself into five years ago.

"And give it to my air headed brother? No." You shook your head, "By the end of the war, Edelagrd won't need such protection, you must learn to place trust in Ferdinand."

"Do you hear yourself?" Hubert pushed open the doors of the new 'classroom'.

"Hubert." You warned, knowing the man was being rather dramatic.

"Fine fine." He closed his eyes in annoyance, "You best have good coffee in Nestra."

"Oh Dear Lord-" You began but was interrupted by a rather loud 'ahem' from the table.

"Sorry to interrupt your quarrel." Caspar shuffled in his chair, "But if you two could sit down- it would make this session go much quicker."

You both looked at each other, putting squabble to rest for the time being and taking your assigned seats to listen to the Professor ramble on.


"So I believe congratulations are in order!" Dorothea clasped your shoulders from behind giggling as she pulled on your hand to gaze at the ring sitting on your finger. "Oh my, Hubert definitely didn't pick this himself- it's far too gorgeous!"

"You'd be right there." You chuckled, liking the attention she was giving you and your fat amethyst ring. "But what about you? I hear Henry is on his way with my troops this very moment." You prodded the woman's arm teasingly- the pair had been separated for quite a while and so she must be highly anxious.

"Oh don't remind me- it's all I can think about! I won't be able to sleep, ___!" She huffed, walking along side you as you continued your day to day tasks.

"Don't be silly, go for a run to burn yourself out." You smiled, placing a book back on a shelf.

"Did you hit your head them five years you left me? I'm not running anywhere." She laughed, plopping herself onto a chair and resting her chin in the palms of her hands. "By the way..."

"Hm?" You turned around, brushing the dust off your clothes and leaning over the table to look at her.

"Caspar decided we should, 'lighten up'." Dorothea sighed, "He suggested a party where we all dress as some monster for fun- the Professor being a child at heart agreed. It's in a week." Clearly she wasn't a fan of this rather odd choice of party.

"I see, so I'm guessing I have to find an outfit?" You began to think of all the monsters you could dress as.

"Yeah, what a waste of money. Perhaps we should throw on some black clothes, comb our hair and go as Hubert." She snorted, intimidating your fiancé's stern decorum by furrowing her brows.

"Heh, I think Hubert will be going as Hubert. I doubt he would dress up for such a thing." You copied the woman and thinned your eyes and lips like the man.

"Shame." She giggled, "Caspar said we need people to work for the haunted house- maybe Hubert could sit in the dark and look scary?"

"That sounds perfect." You hummed, "I'll put his name forward for that." Knowing full well the man wouldn't be pleased with your choice.


* * *

"Come in~" you sang, actually in your own room for once.

"Care to explain?" Hubert walked in, a sheet of paper crumpled from his tight grasp was panned onto your desk.

"Ah! Yes!" You clapped your hands together, "I knew you'd try and escape so I made sure you couldn't wiggle your way out of it."

"Are you some kind of fool?" He snapped, running both hands through his hair- revealing his forehead and eye. "I must be with-"

You sat back and coughed, "With who?" You raised an eyebrow to him, referring to the conversation before.

"You wish for me to leave Her majesty in the hands of Ferdinand at some monster party?" He gritted his teeth.

"Ferdinand is very capable. In fact he did well the week we were away! Please Hubert, for me?" You pouted, bottom lip quivering and eyes wide like a puppy.

"___..." he groaned, sitting on the side of your large bed without ask. "If you will beg me so- then I suppose I have not much of a choice."

"Don't be like that. If you really do not wish to, you don't have to." You rolled your eyes at his melodramatic antics.

"I'll do it I said." He sighed, falling back onto the bed, "I have thirty minutes off before I need to be somewhere. Let me hold you until then." His green eyes were focused on the brown ceiling, but his arms were outstretched towards your seated body.

"Alright." You blushed, crawling across the bed and laying next to him, allowing his arms to tie themselves like a rope around your waist, his head leaning down into the crook of your neck. He was spooning you.

It has been nearly a week, or probably more. I'm so stressed with college and I'm addicted to Among Us...

FHQ-'I'll do it, I said'

~Deadly feelings~ Hubert x Reader FE3HWhere stories live. Discover now