Chapter thirty- five: Unexpected.

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"Huberttt~" You dropped the book you were reading, growing impatient at his constant writing. Edelgard had wanted Hubert to spend the week in the Empire to keep watch over her Uncle and his activities in Embarr- naturally, she asked you to go with him for a relaxing week alone together. "Please just take a break for a small while- you've been there for ages!"

Hubert paused, his rear was getting numb on the chair and he had covered many documents but even so, there was still so many things he had to complete. "___, this isn't a holiday we're still at war." He didn't look back to you, knowing your sad face would sting his heart. Hubert was now the Marquis and Minister of the Imperial household, meaning Vestra Manor was his Manor. So that's where you both stayed. "Why don't you go into Embarr?"

"And do what?" You pouted, sitting up from your slouched position on his four poster bed, the book leaning on the white feathered pillow.

"Well." Hubert trailed off, dropping the quill onto his paper- his mind racing. "Hm, never mind." Truth be told he had something on his mind.

"Never mind? Hubert, what's up?" You shuffled forward, hopping off the platform bed and walking across the large room to Hubert's desk, playing with his hair and kissing his temples.

"Hmph" Hubert sighed, taking your hands and kissing them. "It's nothing, ___. What is it that you wish to do?" He stood from his chair, knowing you always win.

"I want you to relax." You smiled, snaking your arms around his neck and standing on your tip-toes bringing him closer. 

"I love you." He breathed, kissing your lips tenderly and lovingly, picking you up by the waist carrying you swiftly over to the bed. "Let us enjoy this time together."

You giggled as Hubert's lips scaled your neck, leaving small marks on your skin. His hands brushed past your thigh and up your skirt making you squirm under his touch. You grasped his shirt, tugging at the buttons and throwing it onto the hard wood, feeling his well toned torso. God you loved his torso.

In response to this, Hubert ripped off your top and everything else that followed, hungrily grasping anything he could in lust- earning many moans from you.

The passionately loud noises from the pair of you grew and each item of clothing was on the floor, Hubert's lips smashed against your own, moving against you roughly, reaching his peak point. "_-___. Ngh." Hubert grunted your name in between kisses as both of you were struck with pleasure.


"That was..." You gasped. Hubert was looking at the ceiling, biting his lip in nervousness- even after doing something so intimate it didn't take his mind off the gut wrenching thought in his mind.

"___." Hubert spoke up, his voice wavering and hands clammy.

"Yes?" You turned over, looking at him from the side.

"Will you marry me?"




"WHAT?!" You sat up, pulling the covers over your body and eyes wide in shock. "Was that what was on your mind?" your heart was beating so fast, was he serious?

"Yes." He swallowed, sitting up. "I wanted you to go into Embarr to perhaps...choose a ring." A bead of sweat was visible on his forehead, the man was terrified of your answer- knowing how much he loved you, he wanted this to last forever.

"Hubert..." you smiled, almost welling up.

"You don't have to say anything. Just promise this won't change anything if you're not ready." 

"What? No, of course I will marry you!" You laughed, jumping on the man and kissing his cheek over and over. "I'm so happy." 

"You will?" Hubert held you as you fell into his bare chest. "I am the luckiest man alive." He breathed. "I wish to buy you a ring right this minute. Hurry, get dressed." He kissed your head, pulling away and changing as fast as he could, you sat there in awe at how excited he was.


"How come you wish to marry or be engaged during the war?" You pondered to the man who was scaling the shop windows, his beady eyes scanning for the perfect ring for his beloved.

"Well I have been scared. If either of us happen to die...I'd never have gotten to that milestone with you." He sighed, no such luck with this shop either, they were all too mediocre.

"As much as that's very sweet Hubert." You stopped the man, holding onto his arm. "Are you definite you wish to marry me?"

"___ I have wanted to marry you for years." He admitted with a straight face, "Now stop chatting and help look."

You shook your head, turning to a new shop window and going through lines of rings- each looking so perfect but Hubert did not seem to agree.

"I thought you weren't good at gifts- OH!" You tugged the mans arm forcefully, pointing at a diamond ring on display.

"That one?" He raised a brow, the ring was silver, and had many small diamonds surrounding one larger amethyst. "The silver does go with the charm bracelet I got you." He spoke to himself, eyes looking at your fixated gaze on the ring. "If it's what you want, I will happily purchase it for you."

"Hubert, you make it sound like I'm marrying you for money." You groaned.

"Nonsense." He snorted, "The whole of Fodlan knows that you're the piggy bank out of us two." He tutted, and he wasn't lying. You lead a Kingdom so of course you would be richer, however with this wedding... it would make the pair of you very powerful and valuable people.

You pouted, Men don't wear engagement rings, however they do wear wedding rings. You wondered if Hubert would wear such a thing, he wore no jewellery- ever.

"Hubert...Would you keep on your wedding band?" 

"Of course." 



FHQ- 'Will you marry me?'

~Deadly feelings~ Hubert x Reader FE3HWhere stories live. Discover now