Chapter twenty-one: Blank.

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If you don't know who the person in the picture is...I have no words for you. 

This community is a bunch of geniuses.

"So." Byleth removed his cup from his mouth and sat forward in his chair, looking down on you with his cold stare. "Hubert?"

You sighed, when Byleth asked you to come for tea after second class, you had a sure feeling it would be to discuss what exactly Hubert did the Friday before.

"What do you wish to know, dear Professor?" Folding your uniformed arms across your chest, at the now green haired man.

"Well, as my student I wish to know if you'" He looked up at the clear sky, trying to come up with the right words.

"Safe? If you mean if he treats me well then yes. He's surprisingly a teddy bear when alone."

"Hm, well that's hard to take in. But..." Byleth swallowed, clearly finding it hard to say the words he wanted to.

"Oh. Ohhh. Yes, uh we are." your face going red as you realised Byleth was asking about more intimate aspects

"I'm sorry. Just making sure." He coughed, finishing the last drop of mint tea. "Here, take this." The teacher ran his hand into his pocket and pulled out an owl feather.

"Intuitive as usual Professor. Thank you." you took the feather gladly and got up from your seat. "I'll be seeing you after lunch."

* * *

"Finally, where have you been?" Ernest was sat waiting on your usual table in the Dining hall, beside him- a familiar broad brown haired man suited in silver and burgundy armour. You stopped dead in your tracks, Ernest's usual bright green eyes were swollen and red, a slip of paper crumpled on the table beside him.

"Frankie, what are you doing here?" Your second retainer was in Garreg Mach, he stood up, handing you a nearly identical letter. You let your hand rest on Ernest's shoulder.

You opened it, reading the first few lines it became clear to you that your last parent had died. The ending of the letter however was the differing part to Ernest's, your letter continued on to say:

'My deepest condolences, your Majesty.'

"Oh God's." your jaw tightened and you chewed on the inside of your cheek, trying to hold back the tears but failing. Each salty drop worsened your state, until you were sobbing into the arms of your younger brother and retainer.

"It has been requested by the council of governors that I bring you both back to Nestra." Frankie muttered, hating this part of his job. If anything, he knew you would be better off in the monastery surrounded by friends than alone in Castle Ranlord being secretly crowned Queen.

"I understand." You took a deep breath, feeling eyes of worry and confusion around you. Looking at the main doors you see Seteth, requesting your presence with a single look. However, on the other side was Hubert and Edelgard, already you felt the need to choose between the two.

Seteth saw the duo and walked up to you. 

"You can speak with them later, this is highly important- your Majesty." So, Seteth knows- the Archbishop probably does too.

"I understand." You looked back at Hubert whilst being escorted by Frankie and Seteth out of the Dining Hall, giving him an apologetic look. "Ernest? Are you coming?"

The boy looked at Hubert and then back to you, "Do you want me to tell him?"

Ernest didn't like Hubert, but he knew you had feelings for the man so held in his grudge.

"Would you? You're amazing." You hugged the boy, "We'll get through this Nestie, together." He nodded at you and pulled back when you jogged to catch up with those waiting for you.

"Edelgard, Hubert." Ernest said their names like it was illegal. "My sister requested for me to explain what is going on to Hubert, but I suppose you will find out either way." He sighed, looking at Edelgard in annoyance.

"Is everything alright?" Hubert rested his previous folded arms, sill hurt that you followed Seteth instead of coming to talk with him.

Ernest shook his head, thick, large,  curls sweeping his eyebrows. "I'll get down to the point. Our Father has just passed, Seteth must be consulting ___ over her new position that was supposed to be a secret." he rolled his green eyes, clearly blaming Hubert's romance with his sister for everything.

"You must know something like that would never stay hidden for long from the church." Edelgard noted. "But my condolences."

Ernest scoffed at her empty words, she would feel that way towards ___ not him.

"Either way it doesn't matter. The brown haired General you just saw is here to take us back to Nestra. We'll be out of your hair for quite some time, Edelgard." Ernest might have been sixteen, but he wasn't stupid. In fact he was confident, brave and had a way with words like no other; meaning he could see through anyone's dirty lies.

"What?" She looked at both males. Clearly still unaware her plan was in the open.

"Have I stumbled on a landmine? Ha! Perfect." Ernest congratulated himself on the fact that Hubert hadn't notified Edelgard on you and Ernest being in on her plan. "Good day to you both."

"That little squat of a child." Hubert cursed, shaking his head and clenching his bony fists.

"What is he talking about Hubert?" Edelgard warned, clearly agitated.

"They know. Both of them, about the plan."

"They. What?"

"Henry told them. He managed to find out."

"Is that why you asked ___ to forgive you?"

"Yes. We were seeing each other before hand and she confronted me about it. However she understood part of our reasoning."

"Do you think she would join our cause?" Edelgard didn't seem angry, she put a hand to her round chin in thought. The Nestrian army is supposed to be one of the strongest and largest, having their aid would greatly benefit her cause.

"I do not know, Lady Edelgard. Nestra is supposedly a neutral territory." Hubert had been reading up on the Kingdom you were going to be ruling.

"Perhaps under it's old ruling. ___ is your lover, I'm sure if she's telling the truth, she would rather aid her boyfriend than his enemy." Edelgard's words made sense, but what either of them didn't know was that ___ held her alliance with Byleth.

Hubert smiled at the word 'boyfriend'. Something he used to hate the idea of being called, but now he couldn't get enough of being called your boyfriend or lover. 

"I hope you're right your Highness."


FHQ (Favourite Hubert quote) : 'That little squat of a child.'

How am I on chapter 21 already? My lord.

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