Chapter five: Panic

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Your legs were aching, each awkward step you took up the stairs leading to your room made you want to collapse even more. It was getting late, and for some reason your room was located on the other side of the Monastery and it seemed Hubert was leading you not the other way around.

"Are you seriously that unfit? It's a flight of stairs." You heard him groan a few steps up, he wasn't too far away. Far enough that you couldn't see him but close enough to hear his annoying voice.

"I don't feel so good." And that was right, you had broken out into a sweat in the middle of winter, and your legs felt like they were about to give way under you. The urge to yell for Hubert to stop or to help was getting closer but your pride wouldn't let that happen just yet. You heard his light footsteps stop, then retrace their tracks and soon enough he was standing on the next step in front of you.

"This isn't even your first day here and you have brought some Nestrian disease with you." He scoffed and put your pile of clothes on the steps so you had no load. "Here, get up to that platform." Hubert signaled to the next floor, it was only a short part away but you knew it would take as much energy you had left to reach it in one piece. You went up ahead of him, Hubert taking both piles of clothes and slowly following you from behind, makings sure that you wouldn't fall back down the stairs.

Upon reaching it, you crumpled to the stone flooring. It's cool features soothing your burning skin.

"The nurses' office is right around here,___. Hang on just a while longer." Small senses of panic were flowing through Hubert's words. It wouldn't look good if the Empire's right hand happened to also be right next to the Nestrian princess when she died.

"Hurry. Please." you gasped, your chest made it feel easy to breathe in but hardly any air was coming back out. You would get episodes like this before, but usually when laying in bed and you would never tell anyone about it. Hubert dropped all of his things and replaced them with you, grasping you in both arms and breaking out into a quick jog down a hall that looked quite familiar. He stopped soon at two closed doors, he held you in one arm now as he used the other to pound on the door. It surely was only 7pm, so someone should be there.

"Coming!" an annoyed female voice rang out from behind the door, following with clashing and banging noises.

"Manuela, now !" Hubert roared, both arms now clasping you close to him so you didn't fall. The warmth of his chest and the rough smell of coffee relaxed you. You wished for Henry to be the one doing this, so you could cry to him, Henry always listened. As much as you didn't like to admit it-Henry was your best friend.

"Hubert? Is that you?" 'Manuela' put on a surprised voice and quickly opened the doors, revealing herself in a white gown and messed up hair. Despite this, Hubert barged past the drowsy woman and to the white clothed beds. There, he dropped you onto the soft mattress and starting listing off all of your symptoms and what you had done that day to the startled nurse.

"Well. Thank you for bringing her here so fast Hubert. That was wise of you. But I'm safe to confirm that the Princess was only having a panic attack." Manuela smiled softly at you, bringing a cold cloth to your forehead and then turning back to the confused student beside you.

"A panic attack?" He repeated slowly, as if he had never heard of them before. But he had; his mother used to suffer badly from them whenever his father got back from a work trip. How he never put the signs together for you, he didn't know.

"Indeed. She'll be fine. Some rest now will do her, but I will take care of that. Head off now Hubert." The woman excused Hubert and he was reluctant at first, looking down at your weak frame he couldn't help but think there was something more going on.

"I will inform Henry, ___." His voice was stern and back to normal. The signs of panic that were ever there had gone as if the event never took place anyway. You couldn't squeeze the words 'thank you' from your dry mouth so you weakly smiled at him. His green eyes dimming in the candlelight.

* * *

Henry's POV

This market thing was cool, I used the last of ___'s gold to buy a sword and then used the remainder of my own to also purchase a sweet from a kind old man at a candy stall. Of course I wouldn't eat it, but they were Lady ___'s favourite and it wouldn't be fair using her money for her own gift. I shoved the wrapped sweet in my pocket and looked up, the sky was dark now but it was still early. By now ___ should have spoken to our professor, where she was now I had no idea.

As if on queue however, a tall, dark figure sprinted out of the entrance doors, his black hair all over the place as he frantically scanned the market below. My brows furrowed and a hint of suspicion made my eyes squint at him in wonder.

"Hubert?" I reached he top of the steps to see the man sigh in relief to see me. "I had no idea you missed me so much." Chuckling lightly, I realised that he was more serious than usual. He didn't snap at me for my joke or even deny it.

"___. Sick. Needs you." He panted, it seemed he had ran here from his previous destination. But what confused me more was why he was with Lady ___ in the beginning. And why on Earth would she tell Hubert she's sick instead of me?!

"What? Catch your breath and tell me properly." I warned, if Lady ___ was really in danger he had to tell me fast.

"She had a...a..Panic attack." his hand grasped the wall as he re gained the breath he lost. Black waves sticking to his shining head.

"Where is she?" I asked, Hubert didn't answer. He just grabbed my arm and pulled me leading me the hopefully where my Lady was.


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