Chapter twelve: Physical.

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"Where am I?"

"The infirmary, Hubert. You passed out." Manuela tutted, looking at his documents and adding 'sleep deprived' next to medical issues.

"What about the battle? How long have I been in here?" Sitting up, he found a glass of cold water and sipped it lightly.

"You have been here for a good few hours. Apparently you passed out in front of Princess ___. Quite the scene, I heard." she hummed, tapping her foot against the wooden planks.

"Damn it." Hubert gritted his teeth, not only did he miss a main battle but he also fainted in front of you while trying to address his feelings.

"None of them are back yet, I had to force ___ to take leave she was that worried." Manuela did love young romances until it made her remember how lonely she was- then she would complain to Professor Byleth.

"I must have scared her. I seem to do that often." Hubert got out of the bed, the room bringing back memories from the first day he met you.

"How far you have come, Hubert. You seem to be showing emotions, I was quite scared there was nothing in there for a while." Manuela teased, pointing to her heart.

"Don't you start either." He warned, "I feel fine, I'll be taking my leave now. Farewell."

"You're welcome." Manuela mumbled.

* * *

"You didn't do your best out there, ___." Byleth pulled you aside once back at the Monastery.

"Could you blame me?" Your eyes were roaming around the place, hoping they would see Hubert waiting for Edelgard, back to normal and healthy...Whatever that actually was.

"I know Hubert is a good friend of yours, but how do you think he would feel if you happened to end up in the bed next to him with a battle injury?" Byleth had a point, worrying him more would do no good. However it still didn't ease your mind.

"I am sorry, Professor." you bowed, "I really must be leaving though."

"Tell Hubert I wish him good health." Byleth called out as you began to search high and low for him. Praying he had been released by Manuela.


"Looking for someone?" A stern voice startled you.

"Hubert!" You sighed in relief, the heat of the moment allowing you run and grasp onto the man, the sun burning on your back.

"I am glad to see I was missed somewhat." Managing to keep his decorum while you buried your face into the depths of his uniform, arms squeezing him tighter.

"Don't joke like that." your voice muffled by his clothes, "I thought there was something seriously wrong with you." still holding him, you moved your head so your eyes could meet. Hubert finally allowing himself to slip his arms around the small of you back, returning the hug; his heart almost bursting. Could you hear it?

"No, just the lack of sleep. Just like you said." He admitted, thankfully this embrace was happening in a narrow path-way, not many students used.

The sky was a pale shade of blue and the sun was hidden by the tall stone walls of the stables. A perfect setting.

"See, I know best." you put your head back onto his chest, it slotted in perfectly under his neck and you prayed he wanted to stay like that for as long as you did.

"Occasionally." He protested, "I'm afraid we cannot stay glued to each other like this, ___." He lightly pushed you back and away from his chest, not noticing the wall he was backing you into.

"I know, but this wall is much less comforting." pointing out that he had practically pinned you to it.

Many would be scared if Hubert had them with no where left to run. But you embraced it, this side of him was something hidden from everyone; a side he only showed you.

"My apologies.." He breathed, the space between you growing tighter- tension building as each longing gaze edged the other on more; daring them to try and take the plunge.

All you wanted was him, and you finally were noticing that Hubert wanted you too.

An open palm pressed firmly on the wall- a few inches above your right shoulder, Hubert now had you enclosed, like a wild boar catching a weak rabbit. His breathing getting so heavy you could hear every inhale and exhale he took. Now it was your turn.

You swallowed, not replying to his apology but grazing your hand over the top of his free one, not daring to lose eye contact. At the brush of your hand against his, he intertwined his fingers with yours- taking your hint much faster than you thought he would.

You tugged on his right hand, softly, allowing him to move his right arm, and your left one, up against the wall, leaving him towering over you; a look in his eye so greedy that it almost made you drool.

As you were now the only one left with a free hand, you used it to slide your fingers up his back; causing him to shiver in delight at your touch. Neither of you caring if anyone saw, but full well knowing it was only the two of you there.

Finally your hand stopped at his neck, taking it gently into your small palm and pulling his head down to your level. Hubert clenched his right hand that was still holding onto yours in anticipation, he had no idea you could be this daring.

"___.." your name slid off his tongue in a deep, husky whisper. It seemed he wanted to say more but stopped himself, letting his left arm find it's way to your soft cheek and tilting your face upwards- your lips parting, longing for his own to fulfil their desires.

As he inched closer to your lips, he pushed you harder against the wall, making you lean upwards; doing what he wanted like a puppet.

"Ah.." you gasped lightly, not meaning to make that noise but the impact forced it out of you. Whether you meant it or not, it was the last straw for Hubert's patience. Almost growling, he pressed his lips onto yours; the sensation making your stomach flip.

You deepened the kiss, playing with thick strands of his hair. Earning a 'mm' from his core, showing he liked it when you did that.

His hand released yours, and both grasped your waist, pulling you in closer to him-your body now pressed against his much larger one. Your bottom lip being nibbled at gently by his teeth, wanting an opening into your mouth.

"Hubert.." You stammered, he clicked open his sharp eyes; scared he did something wrong or had hurt you. "We shouldn't get carried away. We're in public.." your hands rested on his shoulders.

He pulled away, "I'm sorry. I seemed to have lost control." He looked around for any passing people. "We have been lucky. I admit, I should have waited to do that...somewhere else."

"Don't be sorry. That was amazing." you gushed, pulling yourself together.

" glad you think so." He smiled, a genuine smile. "I am not good at this. But I hope you will forgive me if I took my leave-I am very late to a meeting." The thought of leaving you just like that infuriated him majorly, but he had no choice. After all he didn't plan on that kiss happening.

"It's alright, you can go Hubert."

"You're perfect. Thank you, ___." he turned, taking a few steps before pausing and turning back to you.

"I promise to make it up to you." He leaned down and planted a nervous kiss on your cheek, nodding, and then taking his leave for good that time.


Thank God I managed to actually get the story to move onto the romance part.

~Deadly feelings~ Hubert x Reader FE3HWhere stories live. Discover now