Chapter twenty-eight: Naps and Dinner.

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"You shouldn't have come here." Hubert paced the flooring of his huge room, one hand running through his hair- the other waving about.

"Nice to see you too." You pouted, slouching down on the red sofa placed in the center of his room.

"I'm serious, ___." Hubert warned, stopping his pacing to look down at you grimly. "My house; and the people surrounding it, are not safe."

"You do know that includes you, right?" you tilted your head at the man, he's never been like this before- it worried you more.

"Yes." Hubert spoke sternly, his arms crossed over his chest like a shield.

"Hubert!" You exclaimed, bringing yourself off the sofa to stand in front of him, his eyes looking anywhere but your own. "Stop self doubting, none of it's true." The second part came out softer than the first.

"How can you be so sure? Have you not heard the stories?" His eyes dimmed, as if something else was driving him to say such things.

"I don't care about such things." you admitted, although you seem to be repeating yourself. "When will that sink in?"

Hubert didn't understand, why choose him over and over when you could choose a Prince like Dimitri? Someone with a brighter future- better looks even! Perhaps this was all a dream of his.

"I am tired." He sighed, eyes bland and emotionless, you blinked- Hubert was never one to sleep on the job like that, never mind admit it.

"Go and nap." you smiled softly, pulling him by the arms gently to his bed.

"I shouldn't." A subtle yawn left his mouth, "Maybe I should." While walking, Hubert managed to slip off his shoes, leaving them in the middle of the floor. Soon after his jumper, belt and string tie were following, all in a heap on a plain rug.

You hummed in agreement, "Whatever work you are doing will not be done to perfection without sleep." pushing him to the bed slightly, you watched as he sunk into the mattress.

"___." Your name left his lips in a deep, dreamy tone.


Hubert simply outstretched his veined arm, large hand open and waiting for your smaller one, taking it gladly- Hubert pulled you down onto the bed, landing you promptly on top of him.

"H-Hubert?" You gasped, body pressed firmly to his and your head tucked neatly into the crook of his neck, he instantly relaxed at the feeling of your warmth.

"I'm sorry." He grouched, placing a hand on your head and back to keep you secure. "I just wish for your happiness." Another yawn floating past his lips.

"I know." you giggled, tired Hubert was a lot like drunk Hubert- or so you had been told by Ferdinand, "Go to sleep now." You kissed the line of his jaw, Hubert loudly exhaled in satisfaction.

"I missed you. Perhaps that's why my work was extra...bothersome." The tired man took no heed to your words and kept rambling on and on for quite some time before he fell into slumber, his arms hugging you tightly to his chest.



"Lord Hubert?" A calm voice echoed from the other end of the room, trying to raise your head was impossible, some force was keeping it down, you could manage to spot a large window enveloped in the night.

"Hubert." You whispered, remembering what had happened before, you tapped the man's chest. "Hubert, a man is at the door."

"Mmm." He groaned, "If we ignore it, it might go away." He said sarcastically, releasing your head and fluttering his eyes open.

~Deadly feelings~ Hubert x Reader FE3HWhere stories live. Discover now