Chapter twenty nine: Years.

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Many months and years later.

From what happend that day when you met Hubert's parents, many events unroled. Edelgard was crowned Emperor, war was delcared on the Church and worst of all- the professor was missing, even presumed dead.

Since that- you had been kept in Nestra, your allience was with the Professor but having no idea what side he chose, you couldn't just tempormerily pick one. Every month passed slower than the last, the letters from friends and Hubert lessened as the battles got more grusome and serious. Then- at one point after small visits and fleeting moments, they all stopped. But by then you were 24 and the Professor had been announced alive and in fighting condition.

* * *

Garreg mach glared down at your cloaked figure stood all alone, this was where the Professor resided now, or so you heard. How you made it past the gates you don't know, but now the marketplace was perfect cover for your being to sneak into the enterance hall with many other workers and soldiers.

Five years since you stepped foot in this place and you knew the people would've changed with it- you found out soon enough when running into a 'busy' noble such as Ferdinand.

"My apologies!" He blundered, unsure of what to do as he spilled tea over a stranger. "Here, come with me into the dining hall, I'm sure they'll lend a towel." Your hood covered your whole head so he didn't notice the stares you gave him and his rather long red hair.

Now that you think about it, the last time you physically saw Hubert his hair was rather too long itself, sitting on his shoulders and so close to his mouth he could eat it.

"This cloak seems rather expensive, the fabric is so fine. Perhaps I could buy you a new one?" You sat at a table in the bubling dining hall, Ferdinand perched beside you and handed you a small damp cloth.

"It's fine, really." Taking the cloth you patted it on the stains, noticing one other pair of shoes approaching you two.

"What have you done now, Ferdinand?" They sighed, you didn't look up but rather continued to stare at their black boots in fear of being caught too soon.

"I accidentally spilled coffee on this lady!" He shook his head in embarrassment, "It seems you have traveled quite a while to get here, that accent is not from around here is it?"

You swallowed, of course he would notice. You were stupid to not think of it! "Not that far." You squeaked, raising your covered head. "I-I should be going now though. Thank you." Bowing your head back down again in respect.

You plopped the soggy cloth on the table and stood, the doors seemed miles away to your frantic gaze.

"Huh? Surely you will allow me to make this up to you- what is your name?" Ferdi rushed to his feet to catch your name "I am Ferdinand v-"

It mattered not though, before he cpuld finish introducing himself- a painful grasp made you wince "Yes who are you?" They growled, "Quite lame that you would use Ferdinand to get access into the monastery." It spat, tightening it's grip.

"Hubert! Stop that, you'll scare her." The red head came to your aid once more.

"No, how can you be so foolish to not see how suspicious this person is?" Turning you around to face him your heart stopped.

This was Hubert?

His hair was cut to his ears, bags as black as brusies under his eyes and dressed head to toe in mennicing militery clothes.

"Pull down your hood." He ordered, swatting away Ferdinands clawing attempts to rescue you.

You remained silent, quite shaken at what he had become- it had been a while since you saw or spoke to the man, but even then he was ten times better than this.

"Get off her you maniac!" Ferdinand shoved the man with all his might into the table- causing quite the stir and commotion. "Gods, since ___ left you, you've been nothing but useless to this army." Ferdinand yelled,turnimg to you, puppy eyes gazing at your shaken figure.

"Don't bring her up." Hubert breathed, winded from the impact. "This has nothing to do with that."

"Oh pull yourself together." Ferdinand snapped, watching the black haired male steady himself. "We all gave you a break for three months, Hubert! You've been useless to us since."

What were they on about?

You never broke up with Hubert!

You pulled away from the two of them, clearly they were getting heated and you were contemplating on pulling down the hood to stop it. Their eyes followed your movements, one of worry one of threat.

"Miss?" Ferdinand asked, "Apologies for my comrade here-He's suffering from terrible heartbreak, sadly." Shaking his head again he stopped his verbal ambush on Hubert (who was very close to killing the man).

"I don't understand why." You pondered, earning confused looks from the men.

"Um." Ferdinand looked at Hubert- slightly creeped out that this 'stranger' was not understanding the situation.

You bit your lip, hands sliding down the hood while looking at Hubert's shattered face.

".  .  ."

"What are you doing to me?!" He cried, holding his head, "Are you here to laugh at my misery?!" Raw emotion and pain broke you, Hubert was in this way because of something you apparently did- it killed you.

"I don't understand.." Your voice cracked, reaching out to him. "What happened?"

Ferdinand was stunned, "___? You don't seem to know what's going on, why?"

"I don't know." You admitted, "I thought everything was alright, I came back after hearing the Professor was alive. This wasn't the surprised I hoped for, though."

"What are you saying?" Hubert asked, eyes like glass.

"I never broke up with you Hubert. In fact the very thought makes me sick."

"The letter, it was so clear you were." Hubert shook his head in denial, was this a trick? Perhaps those who slither in the dark took over your body too and were haunting him.

"I sent no letter! I swear!" Why wasn't Hubert understanding? He always trusted you, always!

"It was from the castle, it had your writing."

You thought for a moment, the only logical explanation would be fraud, but the only person who could pull off your handwriting was...Henry.

Henry wouldn't do such a thing. He knew how much you love Hubert.

However you had to bring it up.

"Perhaps it was fraud. I didn't write such a letter, Hubert. I love you."

"You love me." Hubert croaked, the last words of the 'letter' he was sent were 'I never loved you'.


Hey :)

My History work is piling up and I wish I could focus on this story rather than Weimar Germany and it's elections in 1919.

FHQ- 'what are you doing to me?!'

Also the amazing time skip I pulled off deserves an award (yes I'm highly aware it's absolute crap)

~Deadly feelings~ Hubert x Reader FE3HWhere stories live. Discover now