Chapter fifteen: foul turn of events.

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Three weeks passed, it was now nearly the second moon of the new year and all was well.

The secret kept between you and Hubert was buried deep, and until it was ready to be found-it would stay that way.

Currently, you were in the Library, a class outing to another part of the monastery was Byleth's idea of a trip. It was indeed a change of scenery but not what the students had in mind.

You and Henry were perched on the edges of your chairs, having a race to see who could finish their book first. Opposite was Dorothea and Ferdinand, two people you had grown close to, and two people who were also in schemes together.

"I think I've won you on this, Henry." You whispered, coming to the last few lines of your small pro-tip guide to sword-bashing.

"Damn it all, I'm a page behind you." Henry grouched, throwing his back into the chair and closing over the book in failure, huffing in the process.

"Better luck next time." Dorothea chuckled, taking her boyfriend's book to read for herself. Leaving you to go and choose another short and stupid book you could entertain yourself with.

The class had been split up by Byleth, clearly he wasn't wanting to be too harsh as he let you and Henry stay together and Edelgard and Hubert stay together. But what he was thinking giving Dorothea and Henry time together in a lesson? You had no idea.

"Choosing another time wasting page-turner I see." As if the man knew you were thinking about him, he appeared beside you; running a pale, bony finger across a selection of books too high for you to even see the titles of.

"Of course." You puffed out your chest, it wasn't something to boast about and you both knew that. But you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of reeling it out of you.

"You keep wasting the Professors time. I'll just sit here and watch." He hummed, landing on a dusty, crusty and musty green leather book.

"That thing stinks." You exclaimed, grimacing. Earning a deadpan expression from the intellectual. "A bit like you." You muttered jokingly. Something you liked to do often with him. Even when simply walking past him in a hall, you would let out anything that would potentially catch him off guard.

One of your favorites being a week ago, you passed him in a hall and stopped him; pointing at his chest and asking "what is that?" Of course Hubert being the sort-of trusting 'lover' that he is to you, looked down without second thought. Giving you the nice opportunity to flick the finger on his chest up into his face and skip away giggling.

At first he would take it seriously, actually bathing twice as usual when you told him he smelled once in the West town.

Then he would take no notice of it, sometimes giving you a slight nudge or a long unamused blink in retaliation.

But now? He was game. After some dedication and long hard trying to persist not to respond, Hubert cracked. Even sometimes beating you at your own game, getting you to wear a jumper the wrong way around after he told you it was simply "the wrong way around." In the first place! It was originally fine, if you hadn't picked up on it.

This gave Hubert some...hope. With all that was going on with Lady Edelgard, he knew the day was coming where he and his lady had to betray everyone, especially you and the professor. This was letting him have some fun. Something to keep his mind off how much of a disappointment he will turn out to be for you.

"Well played." He folded his arms and shook his head. "You would stoop so low and use the same joke twice?" faking a disappointed teacher tone.

"Hey there ain't no rules. And last time I said smell not stink." Luckily for you, not many could hear the conversation. Just simple murmuring could be heard and Edelgard was beginning to wonder what was keeping Hubert so long.

Until she saw your empty chair. Smiling to herself at the sight.

"This is a library you know. Best be quiet." Hubert tutted, following you as you moved to a shelf behind the massive globe. You know, the one that reaches the ceiling it's that big?

"Yeah yeah." You wafted a hand behind you in dismissal of his words.

He grasped it, knowing now he was hidden and turned you around.

"Hubert!" You whisper-yelled, it wasn't like him to be so risqué, considering all the people. "What are you doing? There's pe-mmph!"

Cut off by a shot but tender kiss. One that had meaning, one that Hubert had longed to do that whole day. Even if it was so short.

"I'll see you this evening."  His hand dropping yours and slipped away as if he totally didn't kiss you in a room full of people BEHIND a ridiculously sized globe!

That man goes through some mood swings, I swear.


"Your Highness?" Henry knocked on your door, urgency running through his words and the unusual formality such as 'your highness' lead to you personally opening the door to him.

"Henry? Ernest?" With Henry was your younger brother, holding a letter in one hand and a quill in the other.

"___, I was notified on my last meeting with Frankie, that Father is very Ill." Ernest walked right in, putting the letter on your desk and the quill beside it. "As you know that would only have been this morning, and so throughout that time I have been reading this agreement he gave me.

"Agreement?" You looked from Ernest to Henry and then to the unfamiliar paper on your desk.

"Yes, it states that if Father dies before we leave the Monastery, we must vanish. Or well take a leave of absence for your coronation and never speak of these times again." Ernest seemed as angry as yourself. He was getting along well with Claude and the Golden Deer's.

"And why on Earth would we have to do that?" You asked, highly irritated.

"Because there is to be a war." Henry stepped in, a saddened look on his usual happy face.

"What?" Your mouth hung open- a war? Between who?!

"A war between the Empire and the Church. We must not let ourselves be a part of it, your Highness'." He bit his lip, not wanting to say the next part, "I overheard Edelgard and Hubert talking about it a few mornings ago and went straight to Frankie...who clearly notified his Majesty."

Your heart dropped. Hubert? Edelgard? Starting a war? Were you just a pawn? A small piece in their venomous chess board? Had Hubert used you, for the sake of Edelgard?

The thought made you sick. Of course you couldn't ask him. And even so, if it were wrong, you yourself were in some twisted plan. Not a blood filled one like their own, but a secret one in any case.

"Leave me." Pointing at the door and trying to hold composure was all you could do. And to think you had of some sort with the man partly behind this.


My internet is very very slow. Like snail pace. So this was typed on my phone so was definitely not as good as I'd liked it to have been.

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