Chapter six: Eruption in the classroom.

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It was morning now, Henry had been with you for most of the night as you slept and would often re-fill your jug with cold water so the cloth could be dipped in again. But now, he had left. Either he was in his own room right next door or you slept long enough to have missed the first few lessons of the day.

Sitting up, you managed to actually take in your new room. Like the Professor's, your carpet was white and so was your bed covers. The room itself was smaller than your room back at the castle but larger than the dorms other students got. On the side of your bedside table, was a wrapped liquorice. Your favourite, presumably put there by Henry. Pushing the covers off you; you swung your legs to the side of the bed and sat at the edge.

Time to change, I suppose.

In the wide wardrobe you were given was all of your clothes already neatly hung up, your uniform also being there. Taking it, you slipped on the white shirt with gold accents and then a tight fitted black pencil skirt too. (Like Petra's uniform.) To follow was a pair of black and gold tight boots that gave you a bit more height. Looking in the mirror, the uniform fitted you well, it made everything stand out in a good way and you felt very confident.

Looking over to your wooden desk, you saw a sword, the same one every student is given to wear on campus. You tied the strap on and dropped the sword into its scabbard. Lastly, you fixed the bed head you had and felt ready enough to go. There was no time to deal with make-up, it was a school day, not a party.

Henry wasn't in his room like you thought, and no one was in the hallway either so it seemed you had to make the trip yourself. Passing through many halls and down four flights of stairs got you to the reception hall, filled with tables and happy people. You knew the officers academy was only right across the room and so soon enough you were standing at the doorway to the Black Eagles class room.

"And here-Oh! ___ Good morning." Professor Byleth stopped his teaching to greet you as you stood aimlessly in the doorway, feeling eyes all on you made you take in a deep breath. "Henry told me you were sick, I didn't expect you to be all better by now." He looked to his left, to where Henry was sitting, an empty chair next to him-probably saved for you.

"I'm alright now." You walked to the top of the class, heads following you, and took the seat next to Henry. Behind you, was Edelgard and a red haired boy. Across from you was a pretty dark haired girl with face markings who was accompanied by a sleeping green haired boy. She gave you a small comforting wave to make you feel a little bit at ease.

"I'm sure you don't need introductions. It seems you've made some friends already." Professor Byleth gave a knowing look to you, as if to remind you of your new found friendship with 'Hubert the great'. Not much more needed to be said, he continued with the class and Henry would whisper about how pretty a girl in the back of the class was.

"Who is she?" you said under your breath, the professor was right there so keeping quiet was a must.

"Brown hair. Curled. Oh! She has a hat on." Henry desperately tried to list off what she looked like from afar until you could find a golden opportunity to glance to the back of the room. Then, the red haired boy behind you left his seat, nudging you as he went by and giving a wink-obviously overhearing the conversation. He stopped at the desk where the Professor was writing and began to ask him about different styles of horseback riding.

Taking the chance; you shot your head to the back corner of the class, seeing a pretty brown haired girl with a black hat holding a conversation with Hubert. Instantly the green eyed hawk caught notice of your stare and squinted back, ignoring the conversation he was once having with the stunner beside him. He made the word 'What' with his mouth silently, thinking you were spying on him and not the girl next to him, who had now looked your way along with many other students.

Henry tried to contain his laughter as you silently yelled 'Not you!' to Hubert, who clearly had to learn to lip read as the adverb 'what' became his upcoming favourite word.

After many attempts of telling Hubert to piss off you got vexed, growling, "I wasn't looking at you! I was looking at the girl beside you!" Henry dropped his head onto the desk like a sack of bricks and groaned. Meanwhile Edelgard stifled a laugh and the red haired boy at the front gave a knowing look.

"You could have just said that. No need to be so loud." Hubert's dry response made you want to throw all the books you had at him.

"What's happening?" Professor Byleth spoke up, standing from his chair.

"I feel like I'm internally dying, is what's happening." Henry whined, pulling your head back to the front of the class so you couldn't see Hubert's sarcastic face.

"A panic attack?" You japed, knowing he would not be impressed at your reference to the night before.

"Would you like to stand outside, Henry?" Byleth took the comment he and you made seriously and you turned to look at Henry who was clearly contemplating the idea.

"Yes actually." He grasped your arm and pulled you with him. "Lady ___ is coming for moral support." not giving you or the professor a chance to interject.

While being pulled out, you bent down and muttered a sorry to the girl who was sat by Hubert. Only to be yanked harder by Henry letting out a yelp from yourself.

* * *

"Have you finished now?" you asked. For the last ten minutes, Henry had been ranting about how his chances with that girl were doomed and that the reason he would be forever single would be thanks to you. "Henry, you didn't even know that girls name."

"My name is Dorothea." You and Henry both froze, not one of you looked up at her in fear that she would laugh at Henry or something worse.

Henry wasn't a bad looking guy now that you thought of it, he was tall and strong not very bulky but he had visible muscles there. His hair was always kept neat and his grey eyes were a very rare shade. In fact, many girls already noticed his appearance much to yours and his dismissal. You grinned and looked up, you got him in this mess so you'll get him out of it.

"Hey! This is Henry, he's a very lovable guy and I'm going to leave you two to talk. Bye!" That wasn't exactly helping him out but it got you out of there and that was important.

"Do you always seem to find yourself in such childish dilemmas?" Hubert announced when you reached him standing alone by a wall.

"Yes, she does actually." a young voice answered Hubert's question, a voice you knew to be:

"Ernest." you said knowingly, turning to see your younger brother had made it here all in once piece. Whenever you seemed to wish to talk with Hubert, something or some one always jumps in.

"Another ___? I think not, thank you." Hubert remarked, exiting the sibling's meeting as fast as possible.

"A new boyfriend of yours? Seems different to the last, ___. I'm disappointed." Ernest pouted, watching the back of Hubert go into the the dining hall.

"I'd think after knowing me for sixteen years you'd know better, Nestie." you cooed, disregarding any feelings towards Mr Vestra. This was only the second day after all.


I wanted to have more Hubie time but Ernest had to come in here at some point. :(

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