Chapter Thirty-seven: Scary.

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The night of the party had arrived, Dorothea was dressed to the nines and she insisted you did so too-covering your face in makeup and dressing you as if it were summer.

"Do I have to go out with half my arse on show?" You looked in the mirror, okay you may have been exaggerating but you were not used to feeling in a sense that there was no armour weighing you down.

"Oh shush, Hubie won't be able to keep his eyes off you!" She hummed, fixing her hair and holding the door open so you could walk through it, your ripped black cape tickiling the back of your thighs. 

"He's working in the haunted house! I'm not even going to see him." You groaned knowing how long it would take you to get all of the make-up off before you would sleep.

"True, we won't even know what character he'll be playing. Although Hubie isn't an average person- his height may give it away easily." You both passed soldiers and friends alike dressed up, many looking at the pair of you for quite some time as you both made your way to the cathedral, bracing yourselfves for the haunted house.

* * *

"Ticket." Shamir sighed, holding out her hand with impatince as you fumbled around for the black ticket you needed to get in.

"Here." You rushed, handing her the ticket and an empty sweet rapper by accident.

"Gee thanks. On your left." She pointed to the large doors and you headded in, Dorothea behind you with Henry who was trying he best to seem like a knight.

"Heya,  ___. Wanna be scare buddies?" Caspar popped up out of nowhere, his blue hair having black specks running through it. 

"Sure, why not?" You smiled, taking in the man's pirate costume and holding your breath as people covered in presumably fake blood jumped out and chased you  around the maze that was put up; leading to the centre of the cathedral.

"W-wow that was uh, more scarier than I thought. And we're in a war, huh?" Caspar sighed, knowing full well it wasn't over he grasped your arm and swallowed once hearing a single set of footsteps come from the altar.

"I'll be needing a helper for this....trick." The voice said, some magic clearly chaniging his voice it sounded as it was far too deep and rough. You, Caspar, Dorothea and Henry stood in a huddle- neither one of you wanting to dare go up onto that altar.

"Henry don't leave me." Dorothea whispered, so you guessed that was those two out of the equation so you turned to Caspar who was shaking his heas so harshly it may as well fall off.

"Fine." You huffed, pulling your arm out of his grasps and voulenteering yourself to be the guinea pig in this magic show.

"Hmph." The man foulded his arms, "I wasn't expecting you. Oh well." His gloved hand motioned you forward, "I was rather hoping the blue haired twit would be a servant."

"RUDE!" Caspar yelled, foulding his arms and looking away.

"For this..I'll like for you to come back here." The man pointed to a side enterance covered in cheap black fabric, probably where the actors and actresses got changed.

"O-okay." You blinked, following the man into the room, he drew the curtain back and set fire to a candle with the flick of his wrist. "Nice costume?" You trembled, trying to make smalltalk so this would all be over with sooner.

"Hah. It seems it conceals identity rather well. Would you like to know who's under this mask?" The man's voice quizzed you, his eyes glowed a harsh red colour and for a split second you considered if it were to be Jeriza.

"That's against the rules." You stated, sitting on top of a iron table as he asked before.

"Fuck the rules, ___." They said, coming closer.  Removing each glove and throwing it violently to the floor. "This isn't part of the act. I just can't take it no longer." They growled, cold hands grasping at your bare skin. "Did you think wearing something like that would go without any...drama?"

"H-hey! If you know my name then you certainly know I'm-"

"Engaged? Oh my Ram I'm glad to know you would never cheat but I'm sad to say this little get together is only me. Hubert." He purred in your ear, unclipping your cape and sending kisses down your neck. "Let us have some real fun, hm?" His pale fingers reached to take off his mask.

"H-Hubert." You gasped, clutching his hands, "Keep it on."

"As you say, my love." He sniggered, pounding his hands onto the metal table and kissing your lips passionatly, the top half of his face covered and the magic causing his eyes to glow with the lust and passion he was feeling. "Keep quiet." He removed his lips from your red ones, stripping the gloves off his hands and pressing them to your mouth in order to keep your 'noises' at bay. 

You locked eyes with the man, nodding. Taking a deep breath in and bracing yourself for your fiance to have his way with you, to your surprise he didn't undress himself, instead he crouched down- knees clicking and his feet pointed in order to keep himself upright. "I hope you don't mind me wishing to attempt something...different." One of his hands sealing your lips shut and the other grasping one of your thighs, pulling it out and moving his body closer to you- his warm breath on your bare sking making you shiver and squirm.

"Hey Hubert, are you in here? God why is it so dark?" Hubert froze, your eyes widened as the shadow of a tall male dressed up was standing in the door way, arms swinging about trying to find a candle. Hubert acted quickly- and rashly, retreving his head from your legs and took one large leap to the door in a rush, one arm reaching for the male as they set fire to a sconce on the wall. 

"OUT." Hubert's deep voice growled as he forcefully shoved Ferdinand out of the room, not knowing if he managed to see what was going on or not.

"U-Uh." Ferdinand stammared, Hubert slammed the door behind him- leaving you in the dimly lit room alone. "I see you are preocupied, or were." He coughed- face growing redder.

"This best be important." Hubert's eyes were closed in anger and embarassment.

"N-no. Uhm...Perhaps choose a better location." He slurred, fixing the ruffles on his costume. "Also, that was ___ wasn't it?"

"Of course it was." Hubert snapped, going back into the room- throwing the mask off and into a corner.

"Did he-" You piped up, not liking Hubert's 'flustered' side.

"He didn't see but he knows." Hubert groaned, green eyes looking anywhere but your vunerable state. "You should get back out there, ___." His pale hand stroked the back of his neck while his eyes locked onto the marble floor. "I have something to take care of."

You frowned, Hubert wouldn't look near you and that was very unusual of him, in fact he was never afraid of facing embarrassment- not until that night.

"Okay." You whispered, fixing yourself and swallowing before walking past him and out into the open hall, Dorothea and Caspar were no longer there, instead Henry stood in the middle alone, eyes fixated on the stained glass window- the moonlight casting shadows on his face.

"You're back. I was starting to get worried, me and Ferdinand thought you had ben kidnapped, we were looking all over for you." His voice was deeper than usual, more serious and held much more decorum than the Henry you knew.

"I'm sorry to have troubled you." You looked the at the man who's fave never turned from the window. "I'll be residing back in my quarters if you need anything. Make sure to notify Dorothea." There was something wrong with him, but you were not in the mood to pry and get it out of him, in fact you were not in the mood to try anything at all.

"Yes Your Majesty." The words stung, clearly he was agitated, Henry never called you that when you two were alone. Perhaps he knew? Did Ferdinand tell him? Who cares? Everyone there had done what you and Hubert tried to do.


WOOOAHHHH 1K VIEWS? Ty ty I am very very surprised.

I have been revising for my exams hence why I have been away but now I have two weeks off and I'll be writing a hell of a lot of time. Sorry :)

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