Chapter forty-three: Coronation

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Location: Castle Ranlord, Yegin, Nestra. Chapel entry hall.

Golden trumpets blazed from left to right, many Nestrain folks of importance and relations awaited anxiously to lay eyes on this man their Queen had taking a liking to so much, each dressed in garments far too expensive for the average person. Meanwhile, Hubert and Henry stood behind the 30ft brown doors, waiting for the signal from a knight standing by. From where they were standing, the trumpets were a mere muffle behind the thick wooden planks.

"How could she not tell me about this? I've had no preparation, I have no speech, I have dark circles the size of this room!" Hubert let out a low groan much to Henry's entertainment, his firm yet flimsy arms waving about in the tension filled air.

"Chill, would you? You're not the Monarch, they won't expect that much from you." Henry sniffed, slithering to the doors quietly in order to catch a glimpse of the setting awaiting the dull Adrestian Marquis. "Wow, that's a lot of people." He snorted, "You don't have a fear of large, nosy crowds do you?" He turned back around to see an unamused Hubert with his arms folded, the young man simply grinned in response, what a lovely relationship this will turn out to be.

"No. Crowds are not my fear." Hubert scoffed, giving in and peering through the crack in the doors next to Henry, his black locks being combed nice enough from him to be able to see from both eyes.

"Then what is your fear?" Henry quizzed, not actually expecting there to be one, the taller male peered down slightly at the foreign noble- sometimes Henry pondered his lieges attractions, this man was nothing like Prince Dimitri; a man who could've made beautiful babies with ___.

"Heights." Hubert mumbled, his hands gripping the side of the door so tight the bones of his knuckles were bulging out of his gloves. "Knowing this woman she'll make me jump off the top balcony as a test of some sort- claiming it's a 'Nestrain Tradition'" Your husband mimicked your voice as his green eyes pierced into the back of your head. For some reason, despite Hubert wanting to run far-far away, the sun crystallising on your locks and the large beam you held on your face while talking to Dorothea made him stay put. Like a bee to a flower, you were his pollen.

"I wish it was." Henry sighed- rolling his eyes he then shook Hubert's right shoulder and laughed while pulling the man away from the doors and away from your figure at the end of the altar. "It's time to go in there, stand here and place your arms by your sides." Henry moved Hubert onto a specific tile in the eerie hall, even though he gave him instructions;  Henry continued to force Hubert's arms down and lift his chin to look forward. 

"Ready?" Henry quizzed, waving and nodding at a new guard who had dashed in doing some sort of made-up sign language in order to silently communicate with the Nestrian Queen's right-hand. And that's when it hit him, Hubert could no longer hear chatter, trumpets or laughter. It was silent, they were silent and most likely you were silent as well, patiently gazing at the doors waiting for your supposed 'brave' husband to stride in and aid you with ruling a Nation.

"I-" Hubert stammered but it was too little too soon, the doors were being pulled open via thick ropes on the ceiling, his fingers wiggled slightly as it was the only thing he knew he could move without earning a slap from Henry.

"Too late." Henry whispered, nudging Hubert's firm back before scarpering away to a secret door that blended in with the bright walls. Now it just looked as though Hubert had been standing there alone like some sort of freak.

"Shit." He breathed, taking one step forward and blinking three times. "Fuck." This time he bit his lip in order to silence his own curses that were evading the instructions of his brain; and just like that he was pacing down the chapel-like room, green eyes fixated on the two large chairs towards the end- one significantly more grander than the other. 

No one spoke, not a soul- not until he reached the end where they could finally sit down after what felt like an entirety of Hubert walking or even strolling down the aisle. Many were surprised, this was the man their Queen had fallen in love with? Him? With his black hair, pasty white skin and apple green eyes the shapes of thorns? It was a shock for many, he looked menacing, haunting and ghastly- which to Hubert he would agree on entirely, but you couldn't see it at all and you knew you weren't the only one. 

Much to Hubert's dismay, there were many girls in the Black Eagles back in the day that loved a 'broody boy'. They were just far too scared to talk to the man, let alone stand a chance as his eyes were always wandering to the Nestrian Princess, despite his job being the vassal of Edelgard.

"Hubert von Vestra." You spoke up, emerging from the shadows behind a colossal marble column with a large golden staff in one hand and a golden ball in the other- more factually known as 'The Sceptre and The Orb.'  You wore a thick, white dress that was tinted with gold and had a long purple cape which was accompanied with black and white furred spots on the edges. How regal. Hubert had never seen you in the Monarch get up- let alone the state crown that only you could wear on highly important events. "Kneel before thee." You ordered, eyeing him up like he was a sweet- that uniform was far too dashing on your husband- in fact you really just wanted him out of it. 

Biting your tongue and removing your eyes from the handsome man kneeling before you, you stood on the plush, purple altar and raised the golden ornaments in your hands skyward- chanting the Nestrian language in your rich tone. 

"Do you, as the Husband of the monarch of Nestra accept the anointment of His Royal Highness, Prince-Consort Hubert Vestra? And lead with pride, power and kindness?" You bellowed out the words that were said to yourself, of course not exactly right.

Hubert looked at you from under his hooded lids and smirked a smirk only you knew was to be 'You're in for it this time.' A smirk that made your stomach flip like a plate.

"I do." It was loud, clear and confident- the nerves vanishing into the heavy oxygen surrounding him and yourself, in fact it was rather warm in there with the amounts of people watching.

"Do you swear to aid the heir to the throne once she or he is born into this world?" 

"I do." He thought of the unborn child, how he secretly swore to be a better father than what he ever received. 

"Will you remain loyal and loving to your spouse throughout their hardships and choices? Will you guide them in the right direction when asked?"

"Of course." Hubert nodded, such a ridiculous question- but it must be asked.

"Then I, Queen ___ of Nestra announce you Hubert Vestra: Prince-Consort of Nestra."


I am back! I mean I could have left it longer, the last time I updated was January! Not that you will be bothered, but while studying in lock-down I managed to get a new laptop for me to work on that writes much easier and I can edit my work more properly! However, I lost my pervious files for this story so have had to re-write this chapter!


If you wish, I would like you to write down a suggestion for yours and Hubert's child's name (Any name, any gender, or unisex!) I feel like a readers input would make this story seem more for you guys and not just a hobby of mine.

It's also my birthday soon! (On March 22) I wanna say that seeing the comments and amount of reads this has got is an amazing pre-birthday gift, thank you.

Have a g r e a t day.

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