Chapter thirty-nine: The truth.

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"So that's it?" You blinked, taking in the information.

"If that's okay with you, your Majesty." The wedding planner smiled.

"I never thought it would be so soon." You admitted, biting your lips.

"Yes, well it's that or wait until the baby is born, I suggest now- so everything is settled down by the time they're born. You can focus all on the baby then." She added, and she made a good point too.

"I don't care, as long as I marry the woman." Hubert huffed, he was dragged to a wedding planner and had been sat there listening to the the two women talk about different styles of gowns for hours. "Shall we just go with the recomendation? You said you wanted to nanny the baby yourself, ___." Hubert's eyes shiftd to you, not bothering to move his slumped head.

"Alright." You sighed, the man was hopeless.

"Good, I'll see you tonight, I have tactics to plan." He grumbled, standing up, heading for the door before stopping.

"What is it?" You questioned, eyebrows raised. Hubert turned around and kissed your forehead.

"Now. Goodbye." He turned away quickly to escape your cooing and aww's. He couldn't stand the way you made him flustered, but with the war on his hands he didn't know what the future held. Kissing you before he left or saying 'I love you' more often was his way of coping.


"My, that's in less than a month!" Ferdinand gushed as he opened his invitation to the wedding. "Ah an excuse for me to dress up." He grinned, "And of course I'll give you both the best wedding gift in all of Fodlan!" 

"What about Nestra?" You laughed, taking a sip of ice cold water.

"Eh- that too I suppose." He laughed sheepishly. "The wedding's here, yeah?" He asked again looking at the invitation closely.

"Yes, traveling pregnant got Hubert's alarm bells ringing." You shook your head, he was far too protective and didn't seem to listen to your complaints.

"What about.." Ferdinand pulled on his collar, "That brother of yours." 

Ah yes, the prince of Nestra. You hadn't spoken to him for a small while, he didn't agree on your choosing to support Adrestia in the war, being a golden deer- he supported the dying allience without a second thought. 

"He's invited, yes." You nodded your head ,"But if he comes is a different story. He's my little brother- I love him, no matter what."

"I understand that. My father is a pain in the rear too." Ferdinand snorted, "Some people aren't as lucky I guess, to have a single caring family member. Take Hubert as an example." He waved his hand about in pitty for the man.

"I suppose so." You thought about it more, Hubert never spoke too much about his family once you came back to Fodlan. "Ferdinand, I have a few questions to ask you." You sat down opposite the man, the sun was shining down on the pair of you as he was enjoying a hot cup of tea in the outside tables.

"Of course." He beamed, placing the tecup down without a sound. "Ask away!"

"What happened to him while I was gone? While The professor was presumed dead. What happened really?" You leaned in, a serious tone wavering through your dampened lips.

"_-___, we have talked about this. I told you about Hubert." His honey eyes looked to the nearest tree in avoidence.

"No, you talked about how much he loved me. I wish to know about the side Hubert doesn't show me. The one everyone else seems to see and know about." 

~Deadly feelings~ Hubert x Reader FE3HWhere stories live. Discover now