Chapter 2 : Old TVs

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The child is still a little sullen, but he is very forgetful. So, I went to play with Xiaohua soon, and apologized: "Xiaohua, I don't know that you don't like bathing. I won't give you a bath in the future, but you are also wrong, you can't bite me."

Hua Snake Naturally it was impossible to answer him, but seeing the child approaching him, he also swam to the other side. And touched the child's face with his seemingly vicious head.

The child "giggled" laughed.

Cheng Xiangyuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, hurriedly brought back the hoe from outside, and tidied up the things at home.

Although it was the place where bachelors lived, and there was a four-year-old child, Cheng Xiangyuan's house was clean and tidy, and it didn't look like a place for bachelors at all.

After dinner that day, Cheng Xiangyuan took his son for a walk in the yard.

The black and white TV at home broke down a few months ago, so he sent it to the town for repair, but the repairman in the town said it could not be repaired, and now there are many houses in the mountains with color TVs, and the repairman asked him to change the TV. TV sets, but a TV set costs more than 500 yuan. He thought it was expensive, so he didn't want it.

So, now there is no TV in his house.

The old man in the village said that watching too much TV is bad for the children's eyes. Cheng Xiangyuan himself doesn't care. In the past, when his beautiful wife was around, the other party liked to watch TV. What's that called... financial news?

As if it was the name, he kept watching, even though he didn't understand anything at all. However, he was beautiful and thoughtful, and the way he thought was not at all like the usual stupid and dull look, very beautiful and charming.

Therefore, he also watched the financial news that he didn't understand at all, but, more often, he was actually watching his beautiful wife.

After his wife disappeared, he was busy taking care of his son and life in the fields alone. He didn't have time to watch any TV at all, and he didn't like watching TV.

Therefore, this black and white TV that has been used for many years is not used much.

It was only after the child was three years old that he fell in love with cartoons, and he would watch it together, but after the TV broke down, the child did not clamor for watching cartoons, and he was very sensible.

Therefore, Cheng Xiangyuan always felt very distressed for his children. When he didn't watch TV, he would sit in the yard with his son in his arms, talk to each other, play with Xiaohua, and even made a swing set for each other in the yard. The children liked it very much.

This day, while playing, someone knocked on the door. Cheng Xiangyuan was a little surprised, so he hurriedly opened the door, and asked Xiaohua to stay away.

The villagers in the mountains know that there is a snake in his house, but they don't know that it is a poisonous snake and not a domestic snake!

If someone finds out, I am afraid there will be a storm.

Many villagers are still afraid of snakes.

The door opened. It was the second son of the village chief Wang. He was thirty-one this year, four years older than Cheng Xiangyuan.

"Second brother Wang? It's a rare visitor, please come in." Cheng Xiangyuan said.

Brother Wang laughed. "No need, I'm just here to ask something."

"Second brother Wang, tell me." Cheng Xiangyuan said hurriedly.

"I heard that your TV is broken and can't be repaired, and you didn't buy a new one. It's like this. My family replaced a color TV that I bought the year before and it didn't break. I'll ask you. I'll give you a hundred dollars, if you don't want it, I'll depreciate it and give it to the town and buy a new one, by the way, my color TV is 25 inches."

Cheng Xiangyuan was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then he caught a glimpse of his son Liang from the corner of his eye. His eyes widened, and he immediately smiled. "Really, then I would like to thank Second Brother Wang, I want it, I want it!"

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