Chapter 5 The Train Storm

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From the mountain to the town, the road is not very good, because Cheng Xiangyuan is still familiar with it.

However, from the town to the city on his own side, it was a little difficult for Cheng Xiangyuan.

Along the way, Cheng Xiangyuan made some jokes and received many contemptuous eyes.

He didn't care, he just protected his son tightly.

Cheng Jiuxiao is sensitive, how could he not feel it when others looked at him and his father differently along the way?

Therefore, the child was silent a lot.

I got on the train from my own city to Q city. It took two whole days and one night to get there. I was tired of crawling on my children. It would be bad if I got sick. Therefore, Cheng Xiangyuan bought a hard sleeper!

There was a place to sleep, which made Cheng Xiangyuan also relieved.

Although the bed is not big, sleeping the two of them is nothing.

The child sat obediently on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief when he got to the bed.

It's just that when they are eating, everyone else buys a box lunch of tens of dollars on the train, while Cheng Xiangyuan and his son eat instant noodles.

But I added sausage to my son's instant noodles.

This instant noodle is a luxury item at home. All you want to eat is noodles. How can you eat this kind of instant noodles?

Therefore, it is rare for children to eat this instant noodles, and they are very happy.

A middle-aged woman in another bed said: "The child is still growing, how can you give him something that is not nutritious like instant noodles? You are a father..."

Cheng Xiangyuan was a little embarrassed, smiled, but didn't say what.

The child was a little unhappy, his mouth pouted, but he didn't say anything, just leaned towards Cheng Xiangyuan.

The woman was even more unhappy when she saw that Cheng Xiangyuan ignored her.

"When you give birth to a child, you are responsible. I always give the best things to my baby, and things like instant noodles can still be eaten by children. Children must be given the best things. I really don't know how this adult should be. Yes ."

Cheng Xiangyuan's face turned a little red, but he couldn't refute anything.

He didn't want to give the best to his son, but he had to be financially allowed.

The child's eyes turned red when he heard this broken thought. He never heard anyone talking about his father since he was a child!

His dad is the best dad in the world!

So the child yelled at the man. "Nonsense! My father is the best father in the world!" The child's roar suddenly silenced the entire carriage.

The middle-aged woman's face changed, "Do you know how to be polite, do you yell at an adult like that?"

Tears burst into the child's eyes.

Cheng Xiangyuan frowned slightly, and said lightly, "I'm sorry, my son is still young, you can be her grandmother, please take more care." The implication is that you are such an adult and care about your children, how can you be embarrassed say kids?

When the middle-aged woman heard the words, her face turned a pig's liver color.

At this time, another middle-aged man hehe smoothed the field. "Hehe, this child is very cute, he knows he's helping his father, haha."

A young woman on the other bed also said. "Yeah, it's so cute, it's the same age as my nephew, kid, how old are you?" The kid looked at the woman and said softly. "Auntie, I'm four years old."

"Yeah, four years old, so smart, so cute." The woman immediately took out two apples from a backpack at the back. "Hey, you call me Auntie, Auntie invites you to eat an apple."

"No need." The child immediately said. "We have."

Cheng Xiangyuan also said quickly. "No, no, we have it."

The woman pretended to be unhappy. "Hey, you call me auntie. What's wrong with eating an apple? If you don't eat it, you don't like auntie." The child suddenly looked at Cheng Xiangyuan at a loss.

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and touched his son's head. "Say thank you, Auntie." The child immediately said. "Thank you, Auntie."

"Hey, that's good." The woman brought the apple. "So cute and sensible. Much better than my nephew."

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