Chapter 44

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The child was angry and widened his eyes. "You are not allowed to say my father!"

"Haha." The two little boys laughed at the same time. "Don't let people tell you that you are beggars?"

"That is, you must be poor, you poor, come down!" After speaking, one of them went straight to pull Cheng Jiuxiao's arm, and he was about to pull him down. , and do not look at each other's feet are still in plaster cast.

Cheng Xiangyuan's eyes sank slightly, but it was just a quarrel. It is inconvenient for him as an adult to participate, but he can't do it. His son is still injured!

So Cheng Xiangyuan grabbed Cheng Jiuxiao's hand when the child was about to meet him. "His foot is injured and he can't pull it. You can just say what you want on this swing. There are many places to sit and play here. It's fine for you, but don't use evil words and move your feet, okay?"

"Are you What!" The child was angry when he saw that Cheng Xiangyuan dared to grab him. When he was at home and outside, the beauty dared to catch him! He does what he wants to do!

"You beggar, let me go!"

"Ah, it's beating! The adults are beating!" Another little boy shouted directly.

Cheng Xiangyuan frowned fiercely, with a look of anger in his eyes, "You want to do it, right? I'm just holding you so that you won't hit anyone."

"You bastard!" The shouting child stopped shouting, He rushed towards Cheng Xiangyuan directly, and then bit into Cheng Xiangyuan's arm that was holding the other child. In this bite, the child bit hard and hard. If it wasn't for Cheng Xiangyuan's long-standing cultivation of strong muscles because of his work in the farm, he would have been bitten immediately.

How can this kid be so savage. Cheng Xiangyuan instinctively shook off the child, and with a little force, the child sat on the ground with one buttocks. "Wow..." I cried loudly.

Then,. The child that Cheng Xiangyuan was holding also bit Cheng Xiangyuan, Cheng Xiangyuan frowned and let go, the child ran to the crying one, "Let's go back, find my mother, find your mother, we will ask our mother to take these two beggars, Crippled out!"

"Yeah!" The crying child jumped up, stopped crying, and ran away holding hands.

There are not many children and parents playing here, but they all looked towards this side and were still whispering here. Cheng Xiangyuan pursed the corners of his mouth. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing when he came down to play. frowned.

Cheng Jiuxiao pulled Cheng Xiangyuan's hand uneasy. "Dad, let's go back."

Cheng Xiangyuan thought about it and didn't want to stay here any longer, so as not to get into more and more trouble, so he nodded and picked up his son. "Let's go back." The

child hid his head in Cheng Xiangyuan's shoulder. "Dad, am I... causing trouble?"

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled. "No, they are too much." The

child was silent for a while, and said softly, "They shouldn't say Dad, Dad is the best."

Cheng Xiangyuan's eyes softened a lot when he heard the words, he lowered his head and kissed with a smile under the son's forehead.

"What do they say about Dad? Dad is such a big man, how can a child talk about it?"

"Anyway, I don't like it." The child said in a rare willful way.

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled. "Okay, I don't like it, let's go back."

"Yeah." When the

two arrived home, Aunt Xu's kitchen work had not been completed. When they came out and saw that they had come back, they were suddenly surprised: "You guys are so quick. Are you back?"

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled. "Well."

"Why didn't you play for a while, is it hot outside?"

Cheng Xiangyuan hesitated for a while, but still said, "I came back first if there was an accident."

"Huh?" Aunt Xu was slightly startled. "What accident?"

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled. "It's just a quarrel with a child."

Cheng Jiuxiao said at this time, "Dad, I want to go to the toilet."

"Okay." Cheng Xiangyuan responded, and then smiled apologetically at Aunt Xu. "Aunt Xu, I'll take him to the toilet first."

"Go, go." Aunt Xu said quickly.

Cheng Xiangyuan didn't say any more, hurriedly carried the child to the toilet and closed the door of the toilet.

Five minutes later, while Cheng Xiangyuan and his son were still in the toilet, there was a knock on the door.

Aunt Xu's eyes flickered slightly and she went to open the door.

At the door, two young, luxuriously dressed women stood with fierce looks.

"Who hit me just now, afraid of our children, come out!" a woman roared viciously.

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