Chapter 143

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Cheng Xiangyuan fiercely looked towards the door. Then, He was stunned...

Cheng Xiangyuan was really stunned, because the one who appeared by the door... turned out to be Lu Huashang.

It's not Shen Ru Xing.

At this time, Cheng Xiangyuan didn't take off all his clothes, but all his pants were taken off. It looks...really embarrassing.

Then, at such a time of embarrassment, Lu Huashang appeared...

At this moment, Cheng Xiangyuan almost thought that what he saw was an illusion.


Lu Huashang's face was also very ugly and very cold.

However, if you look more will find that under that icy cold, there is still a little anxiety, and...what to do.

Cheng Xiangyuan made sure that Lu Huashang was standing at the door and couldn't help but instinctively wanted to find something to cover himself, but there were no towels here, so what to cover?

There are pants and so on, but they were soaked and thrown on the ground by him, and he couldn't even catch them!

Cheng Xiangyuan's voice was extremely dry, "What are you doing?"

Lu Huashang pursed her lips tightly, "Shen Ruxing said that you are... injured."

"Oh." Cheng Xiangyuan smiled lightly. "Come on, I'm fine."

Lu Huashang pursed his lips even tighter, but he didn't move.

Cheng Xiangyuan took a deep breath. "I warn you, hurry up, otherwise... don't blame me!"

Lu Huashang's expression changed, but he did not move.

Cheng Xiangyuan only felt extremely irritable, and a flame was burning deep in his heart.

He suddenly stood up from the bathtub and walked towards Lu Huashang. The speed is very fast. Earlier, he found that the feeling in the room was no longer, it was just hot and uncomfortable.

As Cheng Xiangyuan approached, Lu Huashang instinctively took two steps back, but failed to get out of Cheng Xiangyuan's reach.

So, just two steps back, he was grabbed by Cheng Xiangyuan.

Then, his body were also pulled into his arms by Cheng Xiangyuan... A fiery kiss followed.

Lu Huashang was slightly startled.

Although when he came here, he thought about what he might face, but when he was really awake, he was treated like this...

Lu Huashang only felt his body stiff and his heart was a little cold.

Cheng Xiangyuan deepened the kiss and pulled the person out at the same time.

As soon as he saw the room, he entered, which happened to be the bedroom, so, under Lu Huashang's stiffness, Cheng Xiangyuan's people had already tried their best to pull him down on the big bed...

Lu Huashang was startled and struggled instinctively. "Cheng Xiangyuan!"

Cheng Xiangyuan looked at Lu Huashang with almost red eyes, "You forced me... I let you go!"

After speaking with a low growl, Cheng Xiangyuan slapped Lu Huashang's lips fiercely again. Such an action carries a strong desire to devour people.

Lu Huashang trembled in his heart, and couldn't help but push people.

However, Cheng Xiangyuan made up his mind, how can he push it away? Cheng Xiangyuan almost ripped off Lu Huashang's clothes, including his soaked shirt... The heat was intertwined with the coldness of the cold water, but the heat had long overshadowed the coldness.

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