Chapter 78

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In this way, none of Cheng Xiangyuan's cakes could be eaten.

Because when the uncle grabbed him in a hurry just now, he happened to be holding the arm he was holding the cake, and the uncle was very strong when he was in a hurry.

Therefore, Cheng Xiangyuan's hand grabbing cake fell to the ground at that time.

At that time, Cheng Xiangyuan didn't have time to take care of it. The uncle looked like he was insane, so Cheng Xiangyuan could only ask for the address of the hospital, and then hurriedly called a taxi.

When the car arrived at the hospital, the uncle said blankly. "I, I didn't bring any money."

Cheng Xiangyuan hurriedly paid the money himself, and then got off the bus with the child in his arms.

The uncle followed in a daze, as if frightened.

When he arrived at the hospital, Cheng Xiangyuan hurriedly asked the uncle's son's name, and then asked the nurse there. Soon, they received the news. Then, the nurse took them to the surgery floor.

Looking at the red light showing the operation, the uncle burst into tears.

The little girl also burst into tears.

Cheng Xiangyuan hurriedly hugged the little girl and comforted her, and the little girl's cry gradually turned into choked sobbing.

After that, another nurse came out with something to sign. "You need to pay at least 10,000 yuan for the operation. Who will pay the fee first?"

"10,000 yuan?" The old man's face changed: "I, I don't have so much money on me, all my money is with my son. Yes ." The nurse frowned slightly. "This can't be done, don't you know the password for your son's card?"

"Password?" The old man was at a loss and shook his head. "I, I don't know." The nurse frowned more tightly. "Master, this can't be done, why don't you go and borrow it? It'll be fine when your son wakes up..."

The uncle turned pale, and hurriedly said: "I, I don't know anyone, can't you save my son first? ? My son will definitely pay when he wakes up."

"No, uncle." The nurse was firm. "This is not in line with our rules. We have to pay for treatment first."

"This...this...human life is at stake, how could this be..." The uncle became anxious.

Cheng Xiangyuan was also in a hurry and took a step forward. "This is a major matter of human life. Is this a good idea? I'll go back and get the money. You have to do the surgery quickly. Don't delay."

"You?" The nurse glanced at Cheng Xiangyuan suspiciously. "Who are you a patient?"

Cheng Xiangyuan said repeatedly: "Friend, I'll go back and get the money. Uncle is here, you can give treatment first." The nurse hesitated and said, "Okay, then you go back and get the money first. , can't be joking."

"Don't worry, I'll go back right away."

Then, Cheng Xiangyuan hurried away.

When Cheng Xiangyuan left, the old man who was full of tears suddenly stopped his tears, took out his handkerchief and wiped the tears on his face very elegantly, and sat down on the side.

The little girl also burst into tears and jumped over. "Uncle, your acting skills are really not good." The uncle glared at the little girl speechlessly. "Don't be a ghost. Go and see your father." The
little girl said silently: "Uncle, I don't want to be so cheap. He is still far away from being my father!

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