Chapter 195

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Lu Huashang looked at his mobile phone for a while, then slowly closed the phone cover.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

Lu Huashang frowned slightly, thinking it was a call from Shen Ruxing.

He didn't think so...

Cheng Xiangyuan?

Lu Huashang raised his brows and pressed the answer button with his fingers a little too fast.

However, he didn't realize this himself.

"Lu Huashang." Cheng Xiangyuan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well." Lu Huashang replied lightly.

Then, Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and said, "Did I disturb your sleep? I counted the time. I wanted to go earlier, but I was delayed by something. Did you sleep?"

Lu Huashang said lightly, "No, it's right. I'm going to sleep, but I haven't."

"So... how's it going these two days?"

"Well, not bad. How's your situation?"

"My side..." Cheng Xiangyuan lowered his voice. "Here I am, we have already eliminated quite a few mercenary teams, and now there are only four teams left in the top four, but one of the mercenary teams was solved by people from Shuanghui City..."

Cheng Xiangyuan Slowly talking about the current situation on their side.

"The first four mercenary teams have formed an alliance, and they are all over Qingshui Lake. They are all trying to open the coffin, but the coffin has not been opened yet! The people from Shuanghui City have also come... But they are with us. They are in two different directions, and they don't seem to want to join us at all."

"Huh?" Lu Huashang's eyes flickered slightly, he pondered, and said, "The people who return to the city should be watching. You guys."

"Yeah." Cheng Xiangyuan nodded. "Teng'an and the others said the same thing, the people who came back to the city should be watching us."

"Well, they also know that with their own strength, there is no good result against those mercenary teams, but if they join forces with you, they are not sure whether they are seeking skin with tigers."

"Yes." Cheng Xiangyuan sighed. tone. "We want to observe the people from Shuanghui City, and they don't trust us... In addition, if we cooperate with people from Shuanghui City, it's just that Chen Zhouxiang and the others can say it. But, that Sen Yier, we don't dare! "

Lu Huashang said softly "um". His eyes became colder.

He thought of Sen Yier's actions. Cheng Xiangyuan's arm injury was given by the people of Sen Yier.

Cheng Xiangyuan thought about it and said. "Lu Huashang, I have a plan."

"Huh? You tell me."

"I'm a little more at ease when we cooperate with Chen Zhouxiang's people. I want to only cooperate with them, and then compete fairly."

Lu Huashang Hearing this, he was slightly taken aback. "Fair competition? What do you mean?"

Cheng Xiangyuan said seriously: "After we eliminate the rest of the people, we will compete fairly and there will be no casualties. Who can open the guess, or who can find something, who finds it first, which side is If you win, the others give up."

Lu Huashang frowned. "If you are like this, even the people in your group may not agree."

Cheng Xiangyuan heard the words and said softly, "They will agree. If they don't agree, then the people in our group... quit."

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