Chapter 110

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Lu Huashang said that he would think of a way, but he really knew how to do it.

After saying this, he went straight to the study.

The teacher was just about to start today's class, but Lu Huashang's arrival interrupted him. He also understood that the other party had something to say to the child, so he smiled and said hello and went out first.

Cheng Jiuxiao looked up and watched Lu Huashang enter the door. "Little Dad."

Lu Huashang nodded. walked over. "Xiao Jiu. Come and sit."

"Okay." The child nodded obediently and sat down beside Lu Huashang.

"Little dad and your dad will be very busy in the next period of time. Your dad will also retreat for at least ten days. After ten days, there are other things to be busy with. Would you go back with your grandparents and live for a while?"

Cheng Jiuxiao heard the words stunned. His face changed slightly.

Lu Huashang pursed his lips. Gently said: "Xiao Jiu. And it's not safe here. You are here. Dad and little dad can't work at ease."

Cheng Jiuxiao blinked, and finally said slowly: "Okay, then, then me and grandpa Grandma go back." The child didn't spam, didn't ask to stay, didn't even complain.

Lu Huashang instinctively felt guilty.

"Xiao Jiu, little dad promises, wait... when your dad is free, let someone come over to play for two days." The
child's eyes lit up when he heard this. "Really?"

"Well, really, it's convenient to come here no matter where you are." The child nodded. "Okay, little dad, I'm going with my grandparents, don't worry, Xiao Jiu will protect himself and won't be caught by the bad guys again."

Lu Huashang hugged her son tightly. "Well..."

"Little dad?"

Lu Huashang kissed the child's forehead. "When your father leaves, your grandfather will send you here."

"Well, good!" The child's eyes lit up. "I see, thank you little dad. I will forgive you."

Lu Huashang smiled slightly after hearing this. "Well, I'll miss you too." The child's smiling eyes narrowed...

Zhou Wanhua and Lu Pingjin outside were a little worried.

Afraid that the child will cry, and even more afraid that the child will not cry or make a fuss.

Unexpectedly, when the child was held by Lu Huashang and came out of it, he was in a good mood.

Zhou Wanhua smiled and walked over. "Xiao Jiu..."

"Grandma." The child called the servant softly.

Lu Huashang said: "Dad, Mom, you take Xiao Jiu back to live for a while. The company still needs Dad's help. After all, it's not very convenient for me here."

"Okay, don't worry." Lu Pingjin waved his hand, He was in a good mood with his grandson by his side.

Lu Huashang stopped talking about business affairs, but said, "I made an appointment with Xiaojiu. Wait...his father is free, I will ask you to bring him here to gather with his father."

"Haha, okay." Zhou Wanhua smiled and agreed. "Is this what it should be? Otherwise, Xiao Jiu will miss his Dad and little father, right?"

"Yeah." The child nodded. "Thank you, grandma."

"Little mouth is so sweet." Zhou Wanhua picked up the child, the child was a little uncomfortable, and was afraid of tiring Zhou Wanhua, so he hurriedly said. "I'm very heavy."

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