Chapter 13 Finding a Job

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The man took Cheng Xiangyuan and Cheng Jiuxiao through the staff passage, and along the way, Cheng Xiangyuan saw all the staff in uniform.

And it looks like they are all chefs here.

The man brought Cheng Xiangyuan and his son to the back kitchen.

"Our supervisor's surname is Wang. You can just call him Supervisor Wang."

"Okay, I understand." Cheng Xiangyuan said quickly.

The man knocked on the door, and a voice came from inside.

The man took Cheng Xiangyuan and his son in.

Only then did Cheng Xiangyuan realize that there was a small cubicle here, and the one who was in it now was the Director Wang.

Director Wang is also a bit older, about fifty years old.

Cheng Xiangyuan did not speak first after entering, but the person who brought Cheng Xiangyuan and the others in told Director Wang about the matter.

Director Wang's eyes fell on Cheng Xiangyuan.

This look is very picky.

Cheng Xiangyuan instinctively felt that this Director Wang was very difficult to speak. But he didn't show anything, but still showed a simple and honest smile.

"Director Wang, I'm Cheng Xiangyuan and I come from a rural village in Dashan. I want to see if there is anything I can do here. I can eat all kinds of hardships, but I don't have any culture.

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Only then did the critical gaze of the director Wang eased a little.

"We really lack someone here to work hard, but your image is not very good. Usually, don't run around except when you need to work."

"Okay, I know that. Then I don't know my working hours..."

"Official work from tomorrow, 5:00 am to 9:00 pm, rest the next day, and then come from 5:00 am to 9:00 pm the next day, and so on. If you are paid, the basic salary is 3,500. If you do well, you will be rewarded. If you don't do well, if you cause any loss to the hotel, you will also be punished."

Three thousand five? so much! Cheng Xiangyuan was very surprised.

He thought he would only be around 2,000 at most, but he didn't expect so much.

Although it is said that one day's work is very long, but I can take a day off!

Cheng Xiangyuan thought about it, and then agreed immediately.

"Director Wang, I understand. I will come to work tomorrow, and I will be there on time."

Director Wang said lightly. "Well, if you're late, you'll have to deduct the money. Well, let's go out."

Cheng Xiangyuan followed the middle-aged man who took him out. Only then did he know that the middle-aged man was called Li Zheng, and he was one of the people who was responsible for moving vegetables. The leader is the foreman.

Li Zhengdao. "You can call me Brother Li. If you have any questions, you can come to me. Don't be late tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I see. Brother Li."

Cheng Xiangyuan took his son's hand and went out. After getting outside, Cheng Xiangyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning his head, Cheng Xiangyuan saw his son's uneasy look.

Cheng Xiangyuan picked up his son.

"I'm sorry Xiaojiu, my father also wants to find my little father earlier and let my little father see you, but we have to live in this city... And Xiaojiu, we have to be a good little father... He may or may not recognize us. Therefore, we need to make money, and when we have money, we can stay here longer, Xiao Jiu, do you understand?"

Cheng Jiuxiao blinked, her face a little pale. "Dad, little Daddy may not recognize us? Why?"

Cheng Xiangyuan was silent for a while and said. "Just guessing, guessing, don't worry about Xiaojiu, eh? Xiaojiu was hugged by his little father when he was a child, and his little father gave you several baths."

Cheng Jiuxiao was a little shy when he heard this. "Really?"

"Well, really, let's go back today, eh?" The child nodded and said very well-behaved. "Okay."

Cheng Xiangyuan rubbed the top of the child's head and walked away in his arms...

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