Chapter 181

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In the end, Cheng Xiangyuan and Chen Tian were carrying a large box when they were at Heizai's house.

The box contained all weapons, and Cheng Xiangyuan was really satisfied with such an unexpected receipt.

With these things, their self-protection ability is much safer.

The only thing that made Cheng Xiangyuan a little uneasy was that the other party said that Chen Tian and here were "destined"... When the two of them carried the boxes back to their place of residence, the rest of the people came.

"Yo, so how many things did you buy? You still have to carry them in such a big box."

"Yeah, you are also very good, but it's not easy to take so many things tomorrow, right?"

"Could it be that you bought the box itself? But what is such a big box used for?"

Cheng Xiangyuan waved his hand as everyone said one word to another.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, this is not just our stuff, there are a lot of things prepared for you."

"Huh?" Others were a little surprised when they heard the words. "Prepared for us?"

"We didn't ask you to prepare anything."

"Yeah, you're spending too much money, we have everything ready." Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and opened the box directly!

"Drink!" Everyone gasped in unison.

Xiu Sen and others were also very surprised. Qian Hui said directly: "Where did you guys rob? How come you have these good things." As he spoke, he had already taken out a long spear. If the spear has its head hidden, then it is a stick, both long and short, and it is easy to control. "I want this."

Everyone rushed to scold. It is not so exaggerated to say that it is a robbery, and everyone is still very polite and humble.

When Cheng Xiangyuan chose it, he only wanted one for each person, and he didn't need one more. Originally, Hei Zai's father wanted to send two more items, but Cheng Xiangyuan refused. This is already very good, how can we make further progress? He's not like that, and he can't do such a thing.

Therefore, in fact, the man felt very good about Cheng Xiangyuan, but Cheng Xiangyuan himself did not know this.

Everyone has picked it up, choosing a stick for a stick, a long spear for a long spear, anyway, in the end, everyone has one, and everyone is very satisfied with their own things.

The same goes for Cheng Xiangyuan and Chen Tian.

That night, Cheng Xiangyuan finally remembered a problem, that is, there is a time difference between here and there!

It was early morning when I called the other party this morning!

Cheng Xiangyuan's expression changed. At that time, he must have disturbed Lu Huashang to sleep! Thinking about it, Cheng Xiangyuan patted his head hard.

When Chen Tian and the others came in, what they saw happened to be Cheng Xiangyuan patting his head, and You Kean smiled. "Yo, what is this?"

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled bitterly. "Did a stupid thing?"

"Yo? You still do stupid things, what did you do, talk about it?"

Everyone was very gossipy and very interested.

Cheng Xiangyuan pouted. Not interested in talking.

Today, everyone is still divided into two rooms to sleep, and I don't know if other people will come to sneak attack or something.

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