Chapter 134

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The matter of returning to the city gave Wang Qingxiang and Oger a headache.

It's not that Cheng Xiang Yuan and Chen Tian don't know about this situation yet.

After breakfast, Cheng Xiangyuan also took a shower and changed into clean clothes.

However, he was wearing Chen Tian's, which didn't fit well.

So, Cheng Xiangyuan decided to go back to his hotel after Chen Tian took the pills to rest.

Going out, Cheng Xiangyuan pressed the elevator's door open button. After the floor went down to the first floor, the elevator door opened, Cheng Xiangyuan went in, and then was stunned.

In the elevator, it was actually Lu Huashang!

"Lu Huashang." Muttering, Cheng Xiangyuan called Lu Huashang's name.

Lu Huashang didn't expect to meet Cheng Xiangyuan here, and was slightly startled, but soon his face became even more ugly.

He naturally understood that Cheng Xiangyuan was here... It must be because of the man named Chen Tian.

As a result, Lu Huashang's face became even more ugly in an instant.

With the elevator number key down, Cheng Xiangyuan looked at Lu Huashang and ignored him at all. Looking at him was like looking at a stranger.

However, what he wanted to explain the most was what happened that day...

"Lu Huashang, that day, I didn't mean that, I misunderstood you, you...don't be angry."

Lu Huashang remained silent.

At this time, the elevator reached the first floor, and Lu Huashang was at the door, waiting to go out, but, a little bit bloody, the door was opened a little bit, the elevator actually swayed, and then... stuck. .

Also, the lights in the elevator went out.

The shaking just now was a bit violent, and Cheng Xiangyuan stumbled, as did Lu Huashang by the door.

As a result, instinct was faster than reason, and when Lu Huashang was shaking, Cheng Xiangyuan pulled the person over and wrapped him in his arms. "Be careful!"

Lu Huashang was taken aback for a while, but after the shaking continued for only a few seconds, when he stopped, he saw that he was so close to Cheng Xiangyuan. The most important thing was... He found out that this was not Cheng Xiangyuan's own clothes at all! Brand goods! And the cuffs are short! Obviously not fit!

This is Chen Tian!

When such a consciousness flashed through Lu Huashang's mind, he was already furious and pushed Cheng Xiangyuan away. "Go away!"

Cheng Xiangyuan just stumbled, but this time, Lu Huashang pushed hard, and he was unprepared. He was pushed back two steps, and the person also hit the elevator door.

The shoulder hit the elevator door it hurts, but the pain is more... is the heart.

"Lu Huashang..."

Lu Huashang glared at Cheng Xiangyuan coldly and sneered. "Cheng Xiangyuan, I really didn't see it, you still have this hand."

"What?" Cheng Xiangyuan didn't understand

Lu Huashang, but he didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and reached out to ring the emergency call bell of the elevator.

However, due to the disconnection of the external line, even if a five-star hotel has its own backup power supply, it still takes one to two minutes to connect.

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