Chapter 19 Don't Want to Go Back

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Lu Huayu was welcomed to the hotel's presidential suite, and his personal doctor arrived quickly.

The doctor's name is Li Zhenguo. He is in his fifties. He has superb medical skills and has always been reliable in his work.

After some inspection, it was confirmed that Lu Huayu was really all right, Li Zhenguo said with a sigh of relief. "Mr. Lu, your body is fine."

Lu Huayu nodded lightly. "Then go show it to others."


The chandelier fell down just now, and Lu Huayu avoided it, but some people were also affected. There was blood on the ground, but it shouldn't be a serious injury. .

After dismissing Li Zhenguo, Lu Hua pursed the corner of his mouth and finally made a phone call.

"Find someone for me..."

After the call, Lu Huayu lay down on the soft sofa. He feel a little headache.

He knew that he had lost a memory. For that memory, he somehow resisted, so he didn't bother to look for it.

And, just thinking about the memory he lost made his head hurt.

It's been like this for the past two years.

Therefore, he rarely thought about it. Today, the appearance of that man made him a little uncomfortable, the look in his eyes made him uncomfortable, and the "wife" made him even more angry.

Whether he admits the wrong person or has a plan, this person has touched his bottom line!

The president of his dignified Ronghua Group, the current head of the Lu family, was actually called his wife? This makes him no longer happy!

Moreover, the faint familiar feeling in his heart also made him feel very bad.

Lu Huayu pressed his forehead and decided to find out what happened to that man. Otherwise he will never be able to be quiet.

When Lu Huayu had sent someone to investigate Cheng Xiangyuan, Cheng Xiangyuan was off work that day.

It was already more than eleven o'clock when he got home, and it was raining lightly outside. Although he had a raincoat, it was too long for Cheng Xiangyuan to get home. It was still raining.

Fortunately, his physique is good, so even if it rains, there is no big problem.

But Cheng Xiangyuan also knew that he did not have the condition to get sick now, and it would affect his work, so after taking a bath, Cheng Xiangyuan cooked a bowl of ginger soup in his small kitchen to drink, so he didn't have to worry about it. He have a cold.

If he catches a cold, he might pass it on to the child, which is also not good.

Lying in bed, Cheng Xiangyuan should have fallen asleep quickly, but everything that happened during the day was still revolving in his mind like a movie, which made him unable to sleep.

He seemed to think that that person was a little thinner.

They were not as fat as they were when they were with him. When he hugged each other to avoid the chandelier, he felt that the other person's waist seemed to be thinner again. Didn't that person eat well?

Thinking about it, Cheng Xiangyuan sighed, what if that person didn't eat well? His beautiful wife had already planned to deny him... and how would he explain to his son?

Just go back like this? However, having come here, he is not reconciled...

Moreover, after seeing the prosperity outside and seeing how children live in the city outside, he does not want to take his son back, he wants his son not to be with him The same, he is illiterate, he can only farm, he wants his son to be successful, and he wants his son to live a better life in the city.

Just like the luxurious Emgrand Hotel he saw, he could only work as a porter in it, but he wanted his son to be a distinguished guest living there in the future...

And what's in the mountain? There are only endless fields, mud, and no money for treatment even if you are sick.

Does he want to take his son back and live the same life as him?

And the son misses his other dad, how can he tell him that his little dad doesn't like them, so they can't bother him?

Is this too cruel for a child?

Thinking of this, Cheng Xiangyuan couldn't fall asleep...

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