Chapter 25 I Can't Tell You

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Lu Huayu left Lu's house ten minutes later, and left after asking for contact information.

Looking at the back of her son leaving, Zhou Wanhua said worriedly: "What's going on? Wasn't it all right at the beginning?"

Lu Pingjin also frowned. "At that time, the people over there said that they had discovered Huayu,so Jiu'an and I went straight over there. We didn't hear anything special about it when we got there. Besides,Huayu was not in the right state at the time. Not only did he not know us, but his behavior was also a bit weird. , we quickly brought him back. Who would have thought that there would be an accident on the road, Hua Xing bumped his head, but didn't the doctor check that it was all right? He still remembered us, and I also called the interviewer there. Familiar people, you know Secretary Liu, he said that Hua Xing has no special problems there, why don't I look like this now? Did Secretary Liu lie to me?"

Zhou Wanhua thought for a while, road. "Except for Secretary Liu over there, our people... You can ask two people who went to work at the beginning."

Lu Pingjin nodded immediately. "Okay, I'll call now."

Lu Pingjin's work efficiency is also very high, very quickly, within 20 minutes, two of the people who went to work at the beginning came over.

One of the two was still the leader at the time.

When Lu Pingjin asked if there was anything unusual about Lu Huayu there, the cold sweat on the leader's forehead immediately fell.

Lu Pingjin immediately felt something was wrong.

"Why, there was a problem at that time? You made it clear to me!" The
leader suddenly had to falter under Lu Pingjin's sharp eyes.

"At that time, Mr. Lu was with the migrant worker, and the migrant worker... seemed to take good care of Mr. Lu... Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu had a good relationship with him, and... there was a child."

Lu Pingjin was taken aback for a moment . . "What kid?" The
subordinate shook his head. "It should be adopted by the migrant worker, but President Lu and the child seem to be fine too..."

Lu Pingjin suddenly froze in his heart. "What was the relationship between Hua Yu and that migrant worker at that time?"

The cold sweat on the leader's face immediately became more and more after hearing this.

Lu Pingjin said sharply. "Speak!" The
leader was taken aback and hurriedly said. "It seems to be a lover relationship."

Zhou Wanhua almost gasped.

"What? Lover relationship?" The
leader was sweating, and he didn't know what to say.

Lu Pingjin asked a few more questions later, but the leader didn't know what he actually knew.

At that time, it didn't take much time for them to come to pick up Lu Pingjin from the time they discovered Lu Huayu's trace, and they didn't know much.

The only thing I know is that at that time, Lu Huayu had a good relationship with the migrant worker.

Even, they even secretly saw the two kissing!

They didn't dare to say this at the time!

Who is Lu Huayu! That is the eldest young master of Ronghua Group!

He lost his memory when he disappeared, and was involved with a migrant worker in a mountainous area. He was still a man. How dare they say that!

Furthermore, Lu Huayu had a car accident at the time, and he didn't mention the migrant worker after waking up. Naturally, they thought it was nothing, young master, it must be just for fun.

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