Chapter 111

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Shen Ruxing really didn't expect Leng Xia to be so angry.


Leng Xia had already punched Shen Ruxing on the cheek, and those eyes seemed to have other emotions that people couldn't see apart from violence.

At this moment, Shen Ruxing is that  really don't understand Leng Xia.

Why is he so excited?

Before he could think about it, Leng Xia's second punch also followed. Shen Ruxing received a punch, which didn't mean he wanted to be a sandbag, so he fought back.

Back and forth, the two were fighting in the room.

Knocked down the lamp, smashed the bed, and turned over the cabinet.

The entire room was almost in ruins.

"Leng Xia!" Shen Ruxing roared and rushed over, Leng Xia greeted him, and the two hugged and scuffled.

"Ok." A muffled groan sounded. Shen Ruxing was startled, and when he looked, he found a huge vase tile on the ground, and just now, Leng Xia's forehead was knocked on it!

"Leng Xia!" Shen Ruxing was frightened, and hurriedly pulled the person up, the other person's head was bleeding all the time.

The next moment, Shen Ruxing pressed hard with one hand, and hurriedly called with the other.

"Quick! The young master is injured, come here quickly! This side of my house."

Shen Ruxing hung up the phone after speaking.

"Leng Xia. How are you?"

Leng Xia didn't turn his head away. With a pale face, he said, "Don't worry about it. Go after your little lover."

Shen Ru was speechless. His feelings for Lu Huashang were too complicated to explain at all.

He really like it, but more than that, it's still a family-like feeling.

If it was pure love, how could he just let it go without trying it?

It is because the feelings of relatives are too strong that they cannot bear to destroy them.

Since he never considered himself in terms of love when he was young, he put away the thoughts that should not be raised. It's that simple.

"Speak." Seeing that Shen Ruxing didn't speak, he seemed to be acquiescing, whether he wanted to rob or what! Leng Xia's anger began to rise again. "Anyway, you are also the second-in-command of my Lengjiajiye, tsk tsk, that's all you can do? You are not a migrant worker from the mountainous area, can't you solve it? Shen Ruxing, this is too contemptible!"

"Enough." Shen Ruxing gritted his teeth unbearably and drank. "You've been hurt like this, can you stop tossing? I'll handle my affairs myself."

Shen Ru's sentence fell, and the color in Leng Xia's eyes became violent again. The next moment, he kicked Shen hard. On Ru Xing's waist, Shen Ru Xing instinctively avoided, and Leng Xia attacked again.

Come and go. The two fought again.

"Leng Xia! You're crazy! Your head is bleeding!"

Leng Xia turned a deaf ear, just an attack, the kind of attack that strikes to death.

Shen Ruxing approached Leng Xia while dodging, and finally found an opportunity to grab the opponent's hand and pull the person towards him. Trapped in arms.

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