Chapter 154

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Mo Qiqing laughed and patted the head of the young man who gave him the shoes.

"Well, yes, you are more knowledgeable than him."

Then, Mo Qiqing put on his shoes slowly.

Chen Tian looked away, and the color of serious disgust flashed past.

Cheng Xiangyuan said softly, "Let's go."

Xiu Sen in front also nodded. "Well, let's go."

So, the group of them continued to walk forward.

Mo Qiqing pouted and touched his chin. "I'm very attractive, hey..."

"Mo Qiqing has a crush on that person? He seems to be very indifferent, Mo Qi bro, you have to do your best."

"Haha, yes Mo Qi bro, you have to do your best. That's it!"

Mo Qiqing turned his head and glanced at several people's faces.

These people are the leaders of this group of people.

"Yo, can you all see what I'm thinking about?"

Another person laughed. "Brother Mo Qi is so obvious, of course we can see it, but this is also because Brother Mo Qi wants us to know!"

Mo Qiqing pouted.

At first, one person said, "Brother Mo Qi, do you want us to make a plan? We have an old saying here. I don't know if Brother Mo Qi has heard of it. The three stooges beat Zhuge Liang."

Mo Qiqing glanced at the other side suspiciously.

"Huh? There is such a thing? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Haha, that's because Brother Mo Qi has been here for a short time."

"Is that so..." Mo Qiqing touched himself again chin, smiled.

"No need! It's just you... Haha, if I chase someone, I still need help. If my reputation spreads, will I still mess around?"

"Yes, yes, what Brother Mozi said is." Everyone nodded in praise.

This looks a bit joyful.

Mo Qiqing's appearance is clearly the appearance of an oriental race, and his stature is just a little taller, but judging from the content of the conversation over there, there is a feeling that the other party is not from here.

Most importantly, the attitude of others towards him... it's also very strange!

Afraid, it seems not. It seems to be again!

However, to please is absolute...

So, this is a very strange thing in itself!

Then, Mo Qiqing strode inside. The rest followed.

As for the person who asked Mo Qiqing to throw away his shoes just now, no one paid attention...

When Cheng Xiangyuan and the others arrived, Wang Qingxiang and the others hadn't arrived yet. Then, everyone sat down where they had previously sat and waited quietly.

Mo Qiqing and others also came in.

Mo Qiqing did not stay far away from people like before, but sat down in an empty seat near Chen Tian.

Naturally, they were separated by seats, but Chen Tian still frowned.

Cheng Xiangyuan glanced at Mo Qiqing, just at this moment, Mo Qiqing also looked at him, so Cheng Xiangyuan nodded politely.

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