Chapter 68

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The Ferris wheel stops at the top, and the fireworks on the ground stop when it turns down again.

The two children turned around excitedly and grabbed Cheng Xiangyuan and Lu Huashang. This grab dissipated the atmosphere, and Cheng Xiangyuan and Lu Huashang each looked away.

However, they were a little uncomfortable with each other.

"Uncle." The little girl took Cheng Xiangyuan's hand. "So beautiful."

"Yes." Cheng Xiangyuan smiled. "It's very beautiful." After speaking, he unconsciously glanced at Lu Huashang again, not sure whether he was saying that fireworks were beautiful or...people were beautiful.

Cheng Jiuxiao also took Lu Huashang's hand. "Little dad, they are so beautiful."

Lu Huashang smiled slightly. "Well, it's beautiful." The Ferris wheel came down, and a group of people came down.

The little girl's grandfather also arrived, "Ah, Niuniu, why did you come here to play? It costs money." The
little girl pointed at Lu Huashang with a bright smile and said, "Grandpa, this uncle treats you. "

How could this be possible?" The uncle looked at Lu Huashang, the expression in his eyes changed slightly, and quickly recovered.

Lu Huashang also squinted slightly, this uncle... is not easy.

At least, not an ordinary uncle.

Lu Huashang thought of the appraisers, he glanced at Cheng Xiangyuan a little surprised, there
were appraisers coming so close... "Grandpa, I'm sorry, but I want to sit, Uncle Cheng wanted to pay, but he I didn't bring a wallet, but fortunately Uncle Cheng's friend is here, we just sat on it and set off fireworks, it's beautiful." The child was chattering, looking very excited.

Uncle embarrassed stroke Xiangyuan. "I'm really sorry to trouble you. By the way, I'll give you how much money."

"No, no." Cheng Xiangyuan shook his head quickly and waved his hand. "We are all seated, and the child is happy."

The uncle said two more polite words, Cheng Xiangyuan insisted not to accept it, and then the uncle took the girl and left.

After the senior and junior left, Lu Huashang said lightly, "How did you meet these two people?"

Cheng Xiangyuan was slightly startled when he heard the words, and hurriedly explained the process of getting to know him and the uncle.

Lu Huashang's mood was a little complicated when he heard this, but he didn't expect Cheng Xiangyuan to be so lucky.

When I came, I was selected on the first day. It seems that this is not the first level.

That's right, at the level of Lu Huashang and the others, they know some of the selection methods of Emgrand.

However, the method of selection is different each time.

Seeing that Lu Huashang didn't speak, Cheng Xiangyuan asked carefully, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Lu Huashang looked at the other party and shook his head lightly. "No problem."

"Little Dad, are we going back?"

Lu Huashang nodded. "Well, I'm going back."

Then, Cheng Xiangyuan hurriedly looked at Lu Huashang, but Lu Huashang didn't look here.

The child said softly: "What about Dad? Dad, where do you live?"

"Dad lives in a place specially reserved for people who come from the hotel... It should not be with you." The
child gritted his teeth and said: " Dad, can I live with you?"

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