Chapter 42 Is there a phone call?

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Cheng Xiangyuan didn't notice it, but Lu Huayu, who had been holding Cheng Jiuxiao, finally noticed it when he lowered his head.

The child's eyes were fixed on Cheng Xiangyuan's body, as if he was afraid that the other party would suddenly disappear.

Lu Huayu was silent for a while, then took the child to sit on the sofa first, and they brought the wheelchair back, but the wheelchair was a bit big after all, and it was not very convenient at home.

Therefore, Lu Huayu did not put the child on the wheelchair.

"Xiao Jiu sit first, do you want to drink water?" Lu Huayu asked after putting the person down.

Cheng Jiuxiao shook his head and said softly, "No need, I'm not thirsty."

Lu Huatang nodded and said nothing.

Afterwards, Lu Huayu walked to Cheng Xiangyuan, "Put your suitcase in this room."

Lu Huayu said that this room is the master bedroom of the house, but he didn't live here very often .

It was vacant. Now that the children are also staying here, Lu Huayu naturally wouldn't let them stay in the guest room.

Although the guest room is not bad, it is still a little worse than the master bedroom in terms of lighting.

Cheng Xiangyuan nodded, took all the suitcases into the room, and packed them up.

Lu Huayu pursed his lower lip while the other party was cleaning up, and came out again. The child stared at the side of the room, Lu Huayu paused and walked over.

"I'll take you into the room, and you sit in the room and watch your father clean up, okay?" The child's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he nodded immediately. "Okay, thank you little dad."

Seeing the child's obedient expression of thanks, Lu Huayu felt a little softer in his heart. He picked up the child and entered

the room.

Cheng Xiangyuan was packing his things in the room, but when he saw Lu Huayu came in with the child in his arms, he thought something was wrong, so he hurriedly put down his things and walked over. "What's wrong? What happened?"

Lu Huayu shook his head. "It's okay, the child will not be used to the new environment, let him lean on you and accompany you in the room."

Cheng Xiangyuan was slightly startled, looked into his son's eyes, and suddenly felt a little sorry. He took his son from Lu Huaying


"Xiao Jiu, I'm sorry, Dad didn't pay attention." The child shook his head immediately after hearing this. "No, no, Xiaojiu is fine."

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and rubbed his son's forehead. "Well, Xiaojiu is fine. Then you can sit here and watch Dad fold the clothes okay?"

"Okay." The child nodded hurriedly.

Cheng Xiangyuan put the child on the bed, let the other party lean against the head of the bed, and then took off the other party's shoes.

Lu Huayu said, "I'll go to the kitchen to boil some water."

Cheng Xiangyuan hurriedly said, "No need, I'll go."

Lu Huayu shook his head. "No." Then he turned around and went straight out. Cheng Xiangyuan blinked, and then went back to tidy up his clothes while talking to his son.

"Xiao Jiu, is it beautiful here?"

Cheng Jiuxiao nodded. "Well, it's beautiful, just like the palace."

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