Chapter 105

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After returning to the room, Cheng Xiangyuan looked for his clothes, but found that he couldn't find it.

He smiled bitterly, thinking that the smelly clothes were thrown away.

It's just that the pajamas on him are obviously not his own, so what should he do?

After thinking about it, Cheng Xiangyuan called Zhou Tailin.

Zhou Tailin was collating some materials over there. Cheng Xiangyuan called and he hurriedly picked it up.

"Mr. Zhou."

"Ah, Mr. Cheng, are you alright? How are you now?" Zhou Tailin hurriedly asked.

Originally, Zhou Tailin had been looking for someone, but after Cheng Xiangyuan and his son came back, he relaxed and did other things.

"I'm fine." Cheng Xiangyuan said immediately, paused, and then said. "Mr. Zhou, I am with a gentleman named Shen Ruxing, do you know him?"

Zhou Tailin was startled and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Mr. Shen? I know."

"Know? Then can I trouble Mr. Zhou to send me a set of clothes? My clothes are all in the hotel.

"Clothes?" Zhou Tailin was startled again, but he didn't expect such details, but, if it was just clothes, Lu Huashang would be there, right? What kind of clothes do you want?

However, Zhou Tailin did not express these doubts.

Hearing Cheng Xiangyuan's request, he immediately agreed. "Okay, Mr. Cheng, I know the place. I'll send the clothes there right away."

"Well, thank you very much." Cheng Xiangyuan didn't say more and hung up the phone.

After hanging up, Cheng Xiangyuan looked at his phone with some doubts.

He remembered that in that rental building, his mobile phone seemed to be taken away, and... it was also dropped.

Although it doesn't sound too real, it seems to have fallen, right?

However, now it seems... there is no problem...

Cheng Xiangyuan frowned, always feeling that something was wrong. He looked at his mobile phone carefully, and after a while. Squinted.

There is indeed a problem. At first glance, this phone is exactly the same as the original one, but the case seems to be a little newer than the one he used!

How is this going? Did the phone get replaced?

But why are the stored numbers in it all the same?

Cheng Xiangyuan didn't know that there was a way to restore the card, that is, to restore all the backups in the card, and he was talking about Cheng Xiangyuan.

Moreover, the shell is indeed new.

Although it is still an old-fashioned brand, the kind that is going to be eliminated, but the goods inside are the latest. And there is a positioning system.

That is to say, as long as the phone is by Cheng Xiangyuan's side, no matter where Cheng Xiangyuan's people are, Lu Huashang will be able to locate him quickly.

This was done by the hacker on Shen Ruxing's side in less than an hour.

Those programs actually only took ten minutes for the other party, and the other time was the time to find such an old-fashioned shell.

Therefore, Cheng Xiangyuan felt that there was something strange, because it was not his own mobile phone at all.

When Zhou Tailin came, Cheng Xiangyuan was still looking at the phone, looking thoughtful.

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