Chapter 28 How Is It Possible

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Cheng Xiangyuan and his son were really stunned.

Especially Cheng Xiangyuan, looking at the familiar face... He was stunned. He didn't expect, didn't expect this person to appear...


Cheng Jiuxiao, looking at Lu Huayu, he was just on TV news Li was pointed and looked at, but the child missed his little father, and even if it was just a glance, he still remembered the other's appearance.

Therefore, when Lu Huayu appeared, the child was immediately surprised after being stunned for a while. He rushed up in surprise and hugged Lu Huayu's calf.

"Little dad, little dad, Xiao Jiu finally sees you. Little dad, Xiao Jiu is so happy."

Lu Huayu suddenly froze, because he didn't expect the child to suddenly pounce on him.

Cheng Xiangyuan finally reacted at this time. He quickly pulled his son away from Lu Huayu's lap, "Xiao Jiu..."

"Dad." The child turned his head quickly. "It's little dad, little dad."

Cheng Xiangyuan reluctantly hooked the corner of his mouth. "Well, it's little dad."

Lu Huayong pursed the corner of his mouth and said. "Let's find a place to sit down and talk."

Cheng Xiangyuan gave Lu Huayu a determined look, then nodded. "Okay."

Lu Huayu turned around and walked into a cafe. Cheng Xiangyuan took the child's hand and followed behind.

The cafe opposite the Ronghua Group is also large in scale, and the decoration inside is luxurious. Cheng Xiangyuan brought his son in, and it was a little cramped. This place didn't fit with their feeling...

Looking at the cheerful and unrestrained figure in front of him, Cheng Xiangyuan realized the gap between the two for the first time.

With such an obvious gap, it is natural for this person not to admit their past, right?

Thinking of this, Cheng Xiangyuan slowly lowered his eyelids.

Cheng Jiuxiao was also very cramped, Cheng Xiangyuan felt his son's nervousness, and could not help but tighten the other's hand to comfort him silently.

Although Lu Huayu didn't like to appear in public very much, it was not that he had no chance of appearing at all. Therefore, all the people in the upper circles of the city knew him.

At this time, when Lu Huayu appeared here, the manager of the cafe was shocked and quickly notified their boss, and he was the first to greet him.

"Mr. Lu is here, it's really full of brilliance, there are some who are far away to welcome, and some who are far away."

Lu Huayu glanced at the other party lightly. "One box, two cups of coffee, one cup of milk, and a piece of pastry."

"Okay, okay, I'll be ready soon." The manager naturally agreed, and immediately asked the waiter on the side to prepare, and then brought the person to them in person In the most luxurious box on the second floor.

The manager was a wink. After he brought the person, he left quickly, only saying: "If there is any order, Mr. Lu can directly ring the bell, and a waiter will come over immediately."

Lu Huayu nodded lightly.

After the manager left, Lu Huayu greeted Cheng Xiangyuan and his son indifferently. "Sit down."

Cheng Xiangyuan took his son and sat down on the big soft sofa.

This kind of sofa chair feels like the body of the person sagging when sitting down, but it has to be said that it is very comfortable.

The child was sitting on the soft sofa chair, but his eyes were staring straight at Lu Huayu, and there was a hesitant expression on his small face.

Lu Huayu naturally found out, but kept silent.

Cheng Xiangyuan didn't know what to say, so he was silent.

Shortly after, coffee was delivered along with pastries and milk. The waiter left quickly after putting down the things.

The door of the box was closed again, and the room was quiet.

Lu Huayu picked up the cup of coffee in front of him, took a sip, put down the cup, and opened his mouth slowly.

"Mr. Cheng, first of all, I am very grateful to you for taking care of me in the past. However, I also hope that Mr. Cheng can understand one thing. The past was the past. Now..."

Lu Huayu paused for a while, his eyes on Cheng Xiangyuan Sweeping a circle on the expressionless face, the other party was indeed expressionless. At this moment, Lu Huayu felt... a little uncomfortable.

"Now, Mr. Cheng, I think you should know that some things are impossible. If Mr. Cheng wants to stay in this city for development, and the young master also wants to go to school here, then I will definitely help."

Lu Huayu The words made Cheng Xiangyuan even more expressionless.

He didn't expect, didn't expect Lu Huayu to be so heartless in front of his son...

Even the voice in the words does not recognize the son at all!

Cheng Xiangyuan turned his head and looked nervously at his son's reaction. Although his son was small, he was sensitive and could understand some words.

Lu Huayu said that his son... can stand it?

Sure enough, the child stared blankly at Lu Huayu, as if he didn't understand why the other party said that. It seems... that I don't believe it.

At this time, the child suddenly turned his head and looked at Cheng Xiangyuan. "Dad, little dad... What are you talking about? He, doesn't he know Xiao Jiu? Don't you like Xiao Jiu?"

Cheng Xiangyuan felt a pain in his heart and regretted bringing his son here today, but such a thing would happen sooner or later , Cheng Xiangyuan barely hooked the corner of his mouth.

"No, Xiao Jiu, it's not that he doesn't like you... he just doesn't want us to disturb you."

Cheng Jiuxiao raised his face halfway and muttered. "So, little dad actually... doesn't want to see us?"

Cheng Xiangyuan was silent, he didn't know how to answer this question.

A dark color flashed in Lu Huayu's eyes, and suddenly there was a tingling feeling in his heart. He ignored this feeling and said slowly and lightly. "Young master misunderstood, it's not that uncle doesn't want to see you, it's just..."

"Uncle?" Cheng Jiuxiao looked at Lu Huayu fiercely. "Why uncle? You, aren't you my little dad?"

Lu Huayu frowned slightly, a dark look flashed in his eyes again, and he looked at Cheng Xiangyuan. "Mr. Cheng, I don't want to explore what happened in the past, but for now, I think Mr. Cheng understands what I mean, which makes the son misunderstood, and I hope Mr. Cheng can explain."

Cheng Xiangyuan heard the words calmly and looked at him Lu Huayu, looking at the face that was so familiar that it hurts, he said word by word. "You want to wipe the past, you despise me, yes, you want to live your own life, you don't want to have anything to do with people from this mountain area, yes, but Lu Huayu, you, how can you say such a thing to your son He is your son, your biological son, isn't your heart made of meat? You said before that you would love him forever, is this your love! How can you do this!"

Cheng Xiangyuan's heart ached . The calm words fell into Lu Huayu's heart like a bomb. He looked at Cheng Xiangyuan in disbelief. "What are you talking about? My own son? What nonsense are you talking about! How is that possible!"

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