Chapter 80

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Before Cheng Xiangyuan arrived at the hospital, the uncle's cell phone received a reminder text message.

The text message told him that there was an extra 100,000 in that bank card.

Grandpa sighed. "I really didn't expect that there are such sincere people in this world."

This uncle often comes across with a part of his own money to help others.

In each year's trials, countless do this.

However, it is hard to say whether those who do this are sincere or fake.

Because many people know the existence of trials, they naturally have ideas about people and things. They may have guessed that they are encountering people who are testing them, so they will be willing to let them take money. .

But Cheng Xiangyuan is obviously not such an example.

He didn't even know until now that he might actually be involved in the selection process.

After the uncle sighed, the little girl immediately climbed up, put her head on the uncle's stomach, and knocked on it twice.

The uncle was a little ticklish and pushed the little girl.

"What?" The little girl blinked. "It's a bit lumpy, go to sleep."

The corners of the uncle's mouth twitched. "What does it have to do with me?"

"You are my grandfather." The little girl was dissatisfied.

The uncle rolled his eyes. "Haha."

Ten minutes later, Cheng Xiangyuan arrived. At this time, the uncle and Niuniu were both sad and anxious waiting at the door of the operating room.

Cheng Xiangyuan ran over, the uncle hurriedly turned around, and his trembling hand held Cheng Xiangyuan's wrist.

"How is it, how is it?"

"Don't worry, sir, I have already brought the card, I have seen it, and there is enough money in it."

The light in the uncle's eyes flashed quickly. "Okay, good, enough is good, enough is good."

"Wuwu, my father is saved, saved..." The little girl cried.

The old tears of the uncle are also flowing. "It's's saved..." The
old man and the girl cried together, the atmosphere was tearful, Cheng Xiangyuan was infected, and his eyes became sour.

It's not that Cheng Xiangyuan is stupid, he can't see that these two are acting, but he didn't think about it. It's because the other party's acting skills are too superb, because this person's mind is too sincere, and he never thought that it was fake.

Naturally, nothing can be seen.

That night, Cheng Xiangyuan stayed with the old man and the child until the early morning, when the lights in the operating room finally went out, and the old man's son was sent to the isolation room again for observation.

The old man and the child also slept in another ward. Cheng Xiangyuan saw that the old man and the child did not stay after they fell asleep. He gave his phone number to the nurse in charge of the bed, and asked the other party to call if they needed anything. call him. The nurse repeatedly agreed.

Cheng Xiangyuan only returned to his hotel at 2:30 in the morning. He took a shower and fell on the bed... He fell asleep not long after being exhausted.

Fortunately, I had a good night's rest.

Cheng Xiangyuan slept until 7:30 in the morning.

When he woke up, Cheng Xiangyuan jumped up, and he hurriedly looked at his cell phone.

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