Chapter 22 What is the relationship

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The assistant originally thought that this was a matter for the president to repay his kindness, but he also thought that it was a common ripping off and the like.

But he didn't expect it... It turned out to be a bitter drama?

The assistant thinks it's normal for this kind of thing to happen to anyone, but if it happens to his own president who has never seen the second expression of indifference in ten thousand years, he thinks it's... very abnormal!

not to mention! This is a man!

A man with a son!

Not a single mother with a son! If it's a single mother... Maybe the president of their family is flirting outside, and their children and their mothers come to the door.

But this is a man!

What's more, the assistant feels that since he has been the assistant to the president for so long, he has never seen their president flirting outside. There are even rumors in the company that their president is cold, okay?

But he knew that their president was just a clean freak!

Because of the cleanliness, I am not happy with the romantic, dirty!

But, but now what's going on?

The assistant is a little messy, but because of his professionalism, even if he is a little messy now, from the outside, he still can't see anything.

Cheng Xiangyuan looked at the assistant, his fingers were slightly hard, but he didn't dare to wake his son, so he could only say a little suppressed. "He doesn't need to recognize me, and I don't want the money, but you can help me ask him why he is so cruel to the child? Since he left, the child has missed him very much, and we... don't want to Interrupting his life, I just want to see him... Can you help me ask him, how can I be willing to see the child?"

Cheng Xiangyuan's words were extremely depressing, but the assistant was so messy that he almost fell over. Really almost, after a long time, the assistant took a deep breath and said with a knotted tongue.

"You... this gentleman, is this your son?"

Cheng Xiangyuan looked at his assistant. "Um."

The assistant took another deep breath. "What does your son have to do with our president?"

Cheng Xiangyuan's face changed, turning pale instantly.

Yeah, what does his son have to do with that man? Even if the child is that person's own, so what?

Since that person had someone send money over to cut off their relationship, he knew that his son was here, but he didn't come, didn't he understand enough?

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Xiangyuan smiled miserably.

"You're right, my son... my son, what does it have to do with him?"

After muttering, Cheng Xiangyuan picked up his son and left slowly.

The assistant instinctively felt that he had said something wrong, so that the other party seemed to take the simple question as a question, but do you want to catch up?

The assistant's footsteps paused slightly, thinking of their president's very brief explanation... hesitant.

Moreover, the assistant didn't think that this man who looked like a migrant worker from the countryside had anything to do with their president!

What a joke! That is the president of their Ronghua Group!

These two people...however you look at it, there is no way that they are related, okay?

Gritting his teeth, the assistant quickly left.

A few minutes later, the assistant returned to the door of the Ronghua Group president's office and knocked on the door.

Soon, there was an indifferent echo from inside.

"Come in." The assistant took a deep breath, pulled his collar, and went in, still holding the thick envelope in his hand.

When the assistant entered the door, Lu Huayu's sharp eyes swept over, and when he saw the familiar envelope of the other party, the corners of his lips pursed in displeasure and irritability...

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