Chapter 11 About to Find

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After Brother Cheng left, Cheng Xiangyuan took his son to work in the house where he might live for a long time.

Then there are many of their clothes in the big bag that need to be sorted out.

The child has always been very sensible and helped Cheng Xiangyuan to organize together.

Cheng Xiangyuan's work efficiency is also very high.

After about forty minutes, the father and son had everything done.

The little gadgets that I brought are also placed, which are the only toys the child has.

They are all people from the mountains. Cheng Xiangyuan didn't give much to his children since he was a child, and many of the toys were left over by older children. It's not like going to town to buy a new one at all, he wants to save money.

In fact, he has spent a lot to find his missing wife.

After Cheng Xiangyuan had packed everything up, he suddenly saw his son in a daze, and he was still sullen, he was startled, walked over, and squatted down. "What's the matter?" The
child's gaze was on a newspaper on one of the cabinets.

This cabinet is the only bedside table in the room, only one.

Cheng Xiangyuan took out the old newspaper that seemed to have been around for a long time, and couldn't help but pause.

There is a report of a big python on this newspaper. Does the child think of Xiaohua?

"Xiao Jiu, do you want Xiao Hua?" Cheng Xiangyuan asked gently.

The child nodded with a flat mouth. "Well, I think Xiaohua."

Cheng Xiangyuan sighed. "Alas. We can't bring Xiaohua out, and it will frighten others. When we go back, Xiaohua will be able to play with us."

"Yeah." The child nodded sullenly. "Dad, where is little Daddy? When can we find him?"

Cheng Xiangyuan paused again when he heard the words. "Your little dad, he's at the Emgrand Hotel. We'll go find him tomorrow, if we don't go today."

"Oh." The child nodded.

Cheng Xiangyuan rubbed the other's head. "Let's go out and get acquainted with this place first, Xiaojiu, this is not in our mountain. There are too many people you don't know. You can't run around, you know?"

"Well, Xiaojiu knows." The child nodded obediently. .

Cheng Xiangyuan was always relieved by his sensible son. Seeing his son agreed, Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and nodded. "Okay. Let's go out."

Cheng Xiangyuan got up early the next morning. After getting acquainted here, Cheng Xiangyuan knew that the workers had a canteen, and Cheng Ge agreed that they could eat there too. Two dollars for breakfast, five dollars each for lunch and dinner.

Five yuan for two people, which is already very good.

Cheng Xiangyuan knew that Brother Cheng still had the intention to help them, otherwise, five yuan would definitely not be able to eat two people. Although the food may not be so good, but at least you can always eat enough!

Cheng Xiangyuan was very grateful for this.

The child was still sleeping, Cheng Xiangyuan got up and went to the cafeteria to get breakfast.

Because the cafeteria was available at 5 o'clock in the morning, Cheng Xiangyuan was able to call first.

When Cheng Xiangyuan finished grooming, he swept a large piece of open space in front of the door, including the open space in front of other people's doors. When he returned, the child also woke up.

"Dad." Seeing Cheng Xiangyuan coming back, the child rushed over.

In unfamiliar places, children are still a little uneasy, so when they see Cheng Xiangyuan, they are especially at ease.

"Well." Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and rubbed the child's head. "Breakfast has been called, go wash your face and brush your teeth, we will have breakfast right away, and after breakfast we will go to see little dad."

"Okay." The child nodded sharply.

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