Chapter 26 Take you to find

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After Lu Huayu left, he learned the truth of the year in the shortest possible time.

When he called over there, the secretary Liu knew that the matter was exposed. Under Lu Huayan's cold words, the other side did not dare to hide it, and told everything that he knew about that year.

The matter was just as Lu Huayu's father and son expected. The unusual close relationship between Lu Huayu and Cheng Xiangyuan made them want to hide it.

If you know that the eldest young master of Tangtang Ronghua Group has been entangled with a migrant worker when he lost his memory, how bad it would be!

So, it was hidden there.

After that, Lu Huayu didn't pursue it any further, and they thought it was over. Who would have thought that after a few years, Lu Huayu suddenly asked again!

Lu Huayu asked about the money again, and Secretary Liu immediately said that the money was handed over to one of his most trusted subordinates.

Afterwards, Secretary Liu immediately called his subordinates... But, he was stunned.

That money was actually stolen by his subordinates!

Secretary Liu didn't dare to hide Lu Huayu, so he apologized to Lu Huayu in cold sweat. Lu Huayu didn't pay any attention to Secretary Liu at all. After hanging up the phone, he fell on the sofa in his villa, feeling his head hurt even more.

In addition to the headache, there is still a bit of unpleasantness in his heart.

He didn't expect, didn't expect that he and the migrant worker, he thought he was a liar, was in a bad spirit, but he saved his migrant worker desperately, and there was really such a relationship...

Thinking of the other party's anxious shouting "" Wife." Lu Huayan's lips pursed tightly, he was a man! A dignified man who is actually called his wife?

damn it!

If, if he really had that kind of relationship with that person, he lost his memory for two years and was in the other person's house, then did they even have sex...

Thinking of these two words, Lu Huayu's face changed greatly, the person shouted His wife, he lost his memory at that time, and his skills are probably not good... If... if...

Thinking that he might have been pressed under his body when he didn't know it, Lu Huayu felt sick for a while. even want to vomit.

No, no, maybe he thought too much.

Maybe it's just that person being self-indulgent.

Even if he lost his memory, he wouldn't like a migrant worker in a mountainous area... Absolutely not! ~

Despite doing psychological construction so repeatedly, Lu Huayu's face was still not good-looking.

On this day, Lu Huayu stayed up all night.

On the other hand, Cheng Xiangyuan suddenly stopped going out on his days off, but stayed with his son at home, or helped out in the vegetable garden to earn some extra money.

Although the extra money was only 30 yuan a day, Cheng Xiangyuan was also very satisfied.

It's just that the child is a little unhappy.

On this day, Cheng Xiangyuan paid his salary.

With the ten thousand yuan in hand, Cheng Xiangyuan was a little at a loss.

His salary is not so much, only more than three thousand, the rest, the hotel said is a bonus for him to save people and do good deeds.

Cheng Xiangyuan didn't want to accept this bonus, but Director Wang said impatiently.

"This is the policy of our hotel. If you contribute to the hotel, you will get a bonus. What's the matter if you do n't accept it? Are you dissatisfied with our hotel? Or dissatisfied with my boss?" Dare to say it.

This is a job he has finally found, and the salary is high. He does not want to make mistakes, and he does not want to be fired.

So Cheng Xiangyuan came back with the money.

In addition, the hotel also issued salary cards for them all. Now Cheng Xiangyuan's money is in the card. He is holding the card tightly in his hand. He can't imagine that there is so much money in this little thing.

But the people at the hotel said that as long as you go to the bank with the card, you can get the money.

The password, he also remembered.

The second day after the salary was paid was the day of rest. On this day, Cheng Jiuxiao finally asked Cheng Xiangyuan with the corner of his clothes.

"Dad, why don't we go to see little dad?"

Cheng Xiangyuan paused, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

Cheng Jiuxiao looked at Cheng Xiangyuan carefully, lowered his head and said softly. "Dad, let's find little dad, I... I miss him."

At this moment, Cheng Xiangyuan's eyes were a little sour.

Cheng Jiuxiao felt a little uneasy seeing that Cheng Xiangyuan didn't speak for a long time. He tugged at the corner of Cheng Xiangyuan's clothes and whispered. "Dad, I'm sorry, I...Did I say something wrong? Well, then I won't say it...Dad, don't be angry..."

"No, Dad isn't angry." Cheng Xiangyuan picked up his son.

"Dad will take you to find little dad, but your little dad is very busy, we can't disturb him, we, let's watch from a distance, okay?" The child's eyes lit up at first, then dimmed, and then happy again up. "Okay, Xiao Jiu will be good and won't disturb little dad."

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and kissed his son's forehead. "Um."

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