Chapter 77

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Lu Huashang looked at the manager and the waiter coldly.

There was obviously cold sweat on the manager's face.

Lu Huashang didn't speak, the manager said with a bit of depression after a cold sweat: "Mr. Lu, this is the fault of our restaurant, please ask Mr. Lu Yuanliang, if Mr. Lu has any requirements, we will definitely meet."

The waiter next to the manager was as pale as paper.

After a long time, Lu Huashang finally left a light sentence. "Since you know it's your teahouse's fault, I don't need to say more about what to do. I hope this kind of thing doesn't happen again. You should know that those who can come to Ping'an City are not small roles. My advice, You'd better take it, lest... cause a catastrophe, and then there will be no place for burial." The
last few words, Lu Huashang said lightly, but it was the kind of lightness that gave way. There was more cold sweat on the manager's face.

And Lu Huashang ignored him and left.

After Lu Huashang left, the manager closed his eyes gently and turned to the waiter lightly.

"I remember you've been here for a year." The waitress turned pale. "I, I was wrong."

"Not being serious enough is the first step of your mistake. Failing to make up for your mistakes quickly is the second step of your mistake. You can't make up for it quickly, but you conceal it, causing the situation to explode. At the beginning, How did you learn during training?" The manager's voice was cold.

"I'm sorry, manager, I, I was wrong... Manager, please give me another chance."

"Ping'an City is no longer suitable for you, you should be glad that the person you provoked this time just asked you to leave Ping'an City. Next time , maybe you didn't want to leave." The waiter's face suddenly turned pale when he heard the words...

"Manager, you said...leave Ping'an City..."

It wasn't that he left the teahouse, it wasn't dismissal, it was leave the city...

The manager looked at each other lightly. "In Ping An City, any employee who is fired should not try to find a second job in Ping An City. If you don't believe it, you can try, but if you are forcibly expelled, then you will not be able to leave if you want to. So chic and simple."

After speaking, the manager said the last sentence indifferently.

"You can do it yourself." Then the manager walked away.

The waiter fell to the ground, and after a long time, she took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket and called her boyfriend.

After a while, the phone went through.

The woman said in a choked voice: "Huazi, I lost my job."

"What!" On the other side of the phone, the man's angry voice sounded. "What did you do! How could you lose your job!" The woman felt very aggrieved, "...It's really none of my business, how do I know that stinky child will run away by himself, just run away by himself, I'm still implicated, things like pigs, I can't even find the address." The woman felt that her way forward was lost, and she was already a little hysterical.

However, it is said that people are divided into groups and things gather in groups, which is really not without reason at all.

The woman is hysterical, and the man is also very angry, and he is so angry that he does not see the tenderness and sweetness he used to talk to the woman on the phone before!

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