Chapter 52

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That day, Lu Huayu did not come back. Cheng Xiangyuan slept on the same bed that Lu Huayu had been sleeping on these days, holding his son.

In his heart, Cheng Xiangyuan really regarded this as his last night.

He knew that when he left, it was impossible to come back again.

And his son, even if the son chose him in the end, this is not his place.

If his son really chooses him, then he has to work hard to make money...

He wants his son to live in this big city, no longer an uneducated child in the mountains...

This night, Cheng Xiangyuan has He didn't fall asleep, he kept looking at the peaceful sleeping face of the child beside him, and couldn't get enough of it.

This is my son who has been with me for more than four years.

This is his son... how reluctant to leave.

It's like digging out your own blood.

However, for the sake of the child, for... that person, he had to leave.

Before dawn, Cheng Xiangyuan got up, kissed his son on the forehead, and carried away the luggage that he had prepared earlier last night.

There was all his stuff, his. The son's things are all left.

Carrying a large bag, Cheng Xiangyuan went downstairs, went to the garage, and rode out his classic bicycle.

This is more than ten days ago, he took the time to go to the rented place to get it.

There was no time to deliver the luggage to the rental house today, so Cheng Xiangyuan planned to put it under the bed in the staff lounge first. Wait until after get off work to pick it up.

He left the community by car. Finally, Cheng Xiangyuan took a deep look at the community where he had lived for more than 20 days, as if he could see his sleeping son inside through the tall buildings in the community...

Then, he slowly lowered his head. Eyelid, Cheng Xiangyuan left...

It also takes about 50 minutes to ride a bike from the city center to the Emgrand Hotel in the suburbs.

However, it was still much closer than the two hours before him.

Cheng Xiangyuan arrived early, so he went to the staff lounge and stuffed his luggage under the bed. He didn't need to be afraid of people thinking about it, because there was nothing valuable in it.

Then, he changed into his work clothes and went to find Li Zheng.

Li was the one who brought him. When he came back, he naturally wanted to report there.

"Brother Li."

"Ah, Xiao Cheng." Li Zheng was slightly startled, then smiled. "Coming to work?"

"Well, my son's leg was broken before, so I took care of it at home. Now I'm fine." Cheng Xiangyuan said kindly.

"Ah, it's fine, it's fine." Li Zheng grinned. "That's it, let's go together."

"Okay, Brother Li."

Following Li Zheng to the place where he had been working before, there were already some people there.

Those people were talking about something, but when they saw Cheng Xiangyuan and Li Zheng coming over, they suddenly became quiet.

Some people's gazes circled around Cheng Xiangyuan's body vaguely.

It has a rather vague taste.

Cheng Xiangyuan noticed it sensitively, but he didn't know the reason, so he cautiously didn't speak, Li Zheng went over with him.

Cheng Xiangyuan greeted him as before.

Many of those people smiled uncomfortably, but they didn't talk to Cheng Xiangyuan, and they wanted to avoid them.

Seeing this, Cheng Xiangyuan stopped making fun of himself and worked quietly.

Li was in charge of their side. After bringing Cheng Xiangyuan over, he only explained today's task, and then went to the other side.

A person who worked with Cheng Xiangyuan in a group before came too late.

Cheng Xiangyuan was silent for a while, and carried it by himself, but some large items had to be carried by two people together.

Finally, Cheng Xiangyuan looked at the man.

The man frowned, but he still came over and said lukewarmly, "Let's go together and hold hands."

Cheng Xiangyuan nodded. "Okay."

This person was a talkative person before, so he kept talking while he was working, but the other person was very silent today.

Cheng Xiangyuan also worked silently.

In this way, He have been busy until breakfast time, and it is also nine o'clock.

They all eat in the staff lounge. Everyone is a lunch box, but the breakfast is still very rich. They do manual work, and the hotel will not treat them badly.

However, at this time, a person came in with the door open, and it turned out to be Director Wang.

In the hearts of everyone, this Director Wang is a great Buddha who cannot offend, and the other party is a picky person. If you have any problems, you will be scolded for a long time.

As soon as Director Wang came in, everyone stopped eating, including Cheng Xiangyuan.

Unexpectedly, the usually serious Director Wang smiled like Maitreya Buddha at this time.

"Xiao Cheng, come with me."

Cheng Xiangyuan was stunned for a moment, then immediately answered "yes" and put down the lunch box...

Unexpectedly, this supervisor Wang saw Cheng Xiangyuan eating and quickly said: "Oh, You're having breakfast. Ah, don't be in a hurry, come on, come to my office after you finish breakfast."

Cheng Xiangyuan hurriedly said no, Director Wang said firmly: "That's it, you eat, come to my office after you finish.

" Director Wang turned and left.

Cheng Xiangyuan stood there, not sure if he should go after eating or if he should go after him now.

Everyone's eyes fell on Cheng Xiangyuan, who didn't know who sneered softly, and said contemptuously, "The one who eats soft rice ate."

Cheng Xiangyuan pursed the corner of his mouth, sat down slowly, and quickly ate the rest of his breakfast...

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