Chapter 51

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For the next twenty or so days, Lu Huayu lived in that apartment.

Cheng Xiangyuan has been taking care of Cheng Jiuxiao.

Today is the day to go to the clinic. It also happened to be a rest day.

Therefore, Lu Huayu went with him, while Aunt Xu cooked lunch at home.

These days, Lu Huayu and Cheng Xiangyuan spent a lot of time under the same roof, but they didn't really talk much.

At night, Lu Huayu and Cheng Jiuxiao lived together. After all, Cheng Xiangyuan hadn't slept with his son for more than 20 days.

In this regard, Cheng Xiangyuan's mood is also a bit complicated.

After the two brought the child to the hospital, the doctor checked it and said with a smile: "The recovery is much faster than expected, and the cast can be removed today. It doesn't matter if you walk slowly, but don't jump around. Rest at home."

Cheng Xiangyuan felt all kinds of complicated feelings in his heart for a moment.

Son's injury... Is it okay?

He should be happy, and he is.

However, beyond that, there is complexity.

really complicated.

The son's injury is healed, which means he has to... leave.

Yes, leave.

And how his son will choose in the future... He himself does not know.

This man named Lu Huayu will once again become two parallel lines that do not intersect with him...

This, the man he should have called his wife...

Cheng Xiangyuan closed his eyes gently, and fixed his facial expression as happy.

"Doctor, really? He's all right?" Cheng Xiangyuan asked with a happy expression.

The doctor nodded. "Well, it's okay. It's really okay."

Children are the happiest. "Uncle doctor, can I really remove the cast? Then I can walk without any problem, right?"

"Well, it's okay to walk normally, but it has to be slow and not too hard."

"Okay." The child nodded obediently.

Although Lu Huayu didn't say anything, his expression was relaxed.

With a little ointment, the three went back.

Cheng Xiangyuan and his son sat in the back, Lu Huayu drove the car, the child kept talking excitedly along the way, and Cheng Xiangyuan rubbed each other's hair.

The car arrived home, and after entering the door, Aunt Xu immediately greeted him.

"You're back, what's up? Ah, the cast is removed?"

"Yes." The child smiled brightly.

Aunt Xu was upset. "Haha, okay, okay, just take it off. It must be a lot easier now, right? But this plaster has just been taken off, so you have to be careful when walking.

"Well, I know, the doctor uncle said the same." The child said. Aunt Xu smiled and said hurriedly. "I'm going to make lunch for you, just wait."

"Okay, thank you mother-in-law." The child thanked very politely.

At this moment, the phone on Lu Huayu's body rang. It was his mother, Zhou Wanhua.

Zhou Wanhua euphemistically expressed her hope that he would take the child back for dinner, but Lu Huayu thought about it, but still refused, only saying that he would go back.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Huayu said, "Xiao Jiu, little dad has to go back. Go to your grandparents."

The child blinked at the words. "Oh", not knowing what to say.

Lu Huayu looked at Cheng Xiangyuan. said lightly. "You guys have lunch."

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled slightly, but there was no excess emotion in his eyes. "Okay, be careful when you drive on the road."

This is not the first time that he have been told this, and Lu Huayu didn't care and didn't nod. Take the car keys and leave...

Aunt Xu raised her head when she heard the door closing. "Huh? What about the young master?"

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled slightly. "out."

Aunt Xu didn't care and said, "Okay, let's have lunch then."


Aunt Xu started cooking again, and Cheng Xiangyuan took his son's hand and went back to the room.

"Dad, I can walk now." The child said happily.

Looking at the child's smiling face, the smile on Cheng Xiangyuan's face softened by two points. "Well, Dad saw it, Xiao Jiu is very good... Xiao Jiu, since you can walk, Dad has to go to work tomorrow."

The child was stunned when he heard the words, and his face changed. "work?"

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and touched his son's head. "Yeah, Dad has been with you for more than 20 days, Xiao Jiu, Dad can't stay away from work, can't he?"

The child was silent.

Cheng Xiangyuan's eyes were a little sour, but he was still smiling.

"Xiao Jiu is a man. Even if his father is gone, he has to take good care of himself, you know?"

The child shuddered in his heart, and for some reason he panicked, he grabbed Cheng Xiangyuan's sleeve. "Dad, how long are you going to go?"

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled. "At least two consecutive months of class."

The child's face turned pale. "Does it have to be this long?"

"Well." Cheng Xiangyuan nodded. "Xiao Jiu is brave, okay? Don't let Dad go to work and worry about Xiao Jiu."

Cheng Jiuxiao's face changed again when he heard the words, and then his eyes slowly firmed up. "Okay, Dad, Xiaojiu is a man, and he will be very brave. Two months will be fast. Xiaojiu will wait for Dad to come back."

Cheng Xiangyuan's nose was hot, and the smile on his face became two points bigger. "okay."

"Dad, I'll wait for you, let's pull the hook."

"Okay, pull the hook." Cheng Xiangyuan stretched out his hand.

A childish voice sounded. "Hanging on the hook, one hundred years, no change."

One hundred years, no change is allowed, Cheng Xiangyuan's eyes are very soft.

Son, Dad also wants us to be together for a hundred years, but...

Dad respects your choice, that is, you chose your little dad, Dad...will watch you from afar, yes...

It's just that it won't appear again, it's just to disturb you...

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