Chapter 48 You Can Sit Too

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Cheng Xiangyuan did not expect that Lu Huayu would agree to take a walk together.

And since Lu Huayu had agreed, Cheng Xiangyuan hurriedly walked out with the child in his arms.

Lu Huayong pursed his lips and followed.

Aunt Xu glanced at the closed door in the kitchen and smiled slightly.

She thought of what the lady had said to her when she came here.

"Xiao Xu, I also told you directly, you know about Hua Xing's lack of emotion since childhood. This time I asked you to take care of our eldest grandson, but, this eldest grandson... and Another dad."

"Hua Xing and that person... may have been in a relationship before. I think that since Hua Xing was always there when he was injured, and he still had that kind of relationship with Hua Xing, then now... although Hua Xing said I don't remember people, but... maybe there is still a subconscious mind?"

"Although it was a man, which made me a little tangled, but as long as my son can be happy, I will be satisfied. Xiao Xu, go We all know that Hua Xing's temperament is too cold. It is impossible for him to take the initiative."

"Look at that Cheng Xiangyuan, if the other party's character passes the test, if he really likes Hua Xing. , you can help him."

Thinking of these words, it was only the one that came out just now. "Madam, this Mr. Cheng is a really good person. It's just that he and the young master...the difference is too big. It's hard to say what the result will be."

With a light sigh, Aunt Xu went busy. Get up...

On the other side, Cheng Xiangyuan carried his son to the downstairs. He consciously waited for Lu Huayu, and the child said happily, "Little Dad, hurry up."

Lu Huayu quickened his pace and stood side by side with Cheng Xiangyuan . walking.

Cheng Xiangyuan took the child and walked to the leisure area at noon, where he didn't see the two children at noon, he was relieved, at this time he didn't know that the two children had brought their mother to the door. , and was solved neatly by Aunt Xu!

"Dad, the swing." The child said, pointing to the swing he sat on at noon.

Cheng Xiangyuan hugged the person over. "Okay." The swings are side-by-side and very spacious. Cheng Xiangyuan remembered that Lu Huayu also liked the swings at home and always sat and played. He couldn't help but say: "You can sit too, I will push you."

Lu Huayu Hearing this, he was taken aback.

The child said happily, "Little Dad, you can sit too."

Lu Huayu frowned slightly, but did not speak for a while.

The child blinked a little helplessly. "Don't you like little dad?"

Cheng Xiangyuan was about to smooth things out, but Lu Huayu shook his head. "No dislike."

Said, and sat down on the swing.

Cheng Xiangyuan's eyes softened for a moment when he saw this, and then he hurriedly pushed up...

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