Chapter 23 Findings

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The assistant followed Lu Huayu for a long time, and naturally understood the other person's temperament and his behavior when he was happy or unhappy.

At this time, their president, this is a rhythm that is obviously unhappy!

The assistant suddenly felt a little frightened, and the hand holding the envelope in his hand also made him feel a little hot.

In the end, the assistant bravely walked up to Lu Huayu and carefully placed the envelope on the table.

"Mr. Lu, that Mr. Cheng refuses to accept it."

Lu Huayu looked at the assistant with cold eyes.

The assistant said quickly. "Mr. Lu, I said what you meant, but... that Mr. Cheng's words are a bit strange."

Lu Huayu pursed the corner of his mouth. "Why is it strange?" The assistant gritted his teeth and bit his head. "The Mr. Cheng asked me why the president didn't want to see him, even if he didn't want to see the child. He also said that he didn't charge any money, and only hoped that the president could see the child. I asked him if the child was his son? He said yes. Yes, I said, what does your son have to do with our president, he..."

The assistant stopped abruptly, because their Lu Huayu's expressions were extremely cold, as if they were going to eat people.

The assistant trembled. "President..."

Lu Huayan stared at the assistant, and when the assistant almost knelt stiffly, he said slowly. "What did he say?" The assistant's tongue almost knotted again. "What?"

Lu Huayu's face was as gloomy as iron.

The assistant immediately understood and hurriedly said. "He didn't answer me anything and left with the child in his arms."

Lu Huayu's fists clenched slightly, and his head hurt again. The eyes he saw flashed in his mind, and, that Like a child, his lips pursed tightly.

The cold sweat fell on the assistant's forehead.

"Go out." Lu Huayu said coldly.

"...Yes." The assistant went out almost hand in hand, retracting his previous guesses, maybe, their president really had something to do with the migrant worker, otherwise, their president's reaction wouldn't be so abnormal !

Just, the president and the migrant workers? This is obviously two people who have nothing to do with each other! There are two worlds at all! What can it matter!

In the office, after the assistant left, Lu Huayu pursed his lips a little tighter.

One of his hands gently pressed his temple, but after a long time, the headache did not relieve. Lu Huayu took a deep breath and called Li Zhenguo.

"I got to my villa at six o'clock, my head hurts a little."

"Okay, Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, do you want me to go to the company now?"

"No." Lu Huayu hung up the phone after saying these two words. .

Cheng Xiangyuan walked dazedly with his son in his arms. He didn't know how long he had walked. Cheng Jiuxiao in his arms finally woke up, and the child looked around in confusion.

"Huh? Dad? Where are we?"

Cheng Xiangyuan finally regained his senses. His face was a little pale, and his eyes seemed to have lost some vigour, but he was smiling.

"Dad doesn't know either. I walked with you in my arms."

"Aren't we waiting there for little dad? Why are we walking?"

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled slightly. "It's okay, Dad just wants to carry you for a walk."

"Oh, is it okay for Dad to carry me? Xiaojiu hasn't been carried by Dad for a long time."

"Okay, of course." Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and carried his son to his own. on the back.

The child "giggled" and smiled. "Dad, your back is really wide and comfortable."

Cheng Xiangyuan bent the corner of his mouth. "Really?"

"Well, Dad, I'm happiest when you're carrying me on your back."

"Then Dad will often carry you behind my back."

"Okay!" The child replied happily.

Cheng Xiangyuan carried his son back to the place where the bicycle was placed. "Let's go back."

"I didn't wait for little dad today." The child said a little disappointedly.

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and touched his son's head. "It's alright, I'll bring you when Dad rests."

"Well, good." The child was happy again.

Cheng Xiangyuan rode his bicycle and took his son back...

At night, Li Zhenguo checked on Lu Huayu's own villa.

Now, Lu Huayu does not live in the Lu family's mansion, but in his own villa, which is also closer to the company where he works.

"Mr. Lu, the instruments on my side are not precise after all, why don't we arrange for Mr. Lu to do a detailed head examination tomorrow?"

Lu Huayu thought for a while and said. "Not tomorrow, this weekend."

"Okay, then I'll prescribe some medicine. If Mr. Lu has a severe headache, he can take it, but after all, this medicine is not a good thing. Mr. Lu should try to relax himself, take an essential oil bath, and then take some medicine. Find someone to massage and massage, it should be able to relieve."

Lu Huayu nodded indispensably. "Well, leave the medicine and let's go."

Li Zhenguo sighed slightly in his heart and said nothing more and left.

After the other party left, Lu Huayu looked at the pill in his hand, and after a while, threw the pill on the table and walked into his room.

The original headache has been relieved a lot recently. However, after that man appeared, every time he thought of him or bumped into him, his head would hurt. Could that man be his own disaster?

Also, why did the man want to see his son by himself? Are they related?

While thinking irritably, the phone on his body rang. Lu Huayu looked at the number and paused slightly. He pursed his lips and picked it up. "You found it?"

"Yes, Mr. Lu, I have already found it. Do you want to send the information to Mr. Lu's mailbox? Or should I send it to Mr. Lu now?"

"Send it to the mailbox." Lu Huayu said lightly.

"Okay, Mr. Lu, I'll send it now, please pay attention to the investigation." The
investigation finally came to a conclusion. At this moment, Lu Huayu felt a little frightened for some reason. He walked to the study, turned on the computer in the study, and logged in again. he preferred email address.

Soon, an email was sent, and Lu Huayu moved the mouse to open the email...

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