Chapter 178

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"Ask about little dad?" The child blinked suspiciously, "Is there anything wrong with little dad?"

Zhou Wanhua smiled slightly. "Is your little father still taking Chinese medicine?"

"Well, he is taking it." The child was a little sullen. "My little dad is so pitiful. It's so hard to eat four to five meals a day."

Zhou Wanhua's heart sank slightly, and she asked the child with a smile. "Your little dad's body... Have you seen anything unusual? Where is he uncomfortable?" The child blinked and shook his head. "Is little dad uncomfortable? Isn't it for the body?"

Lu Pingjin also said: "Have you seen that your little dad is uncomfortable these two days?" The child thought about it after hearing this. "Yes, there were two times when my little dad almost vomited while eating."

Zhou Wanhua paused slightly and squinted. "Have he vomited?"

"Well, and once I heard my little father call my grandfather, saying it was chest tightness." The child said sullenly. "Is little dad sick, why is there chest tightness?"

Zhou Wanhua and Lu Pingjin were silent when they heard the words.

"Your little dad, do you vomit often?" Zhou Wanhua thought of something and asked in a very soft voice. "Do he vomit a little more in the morning?" The child shook his head. "This, I don't know. The two times I saw it were during lunch and dinner. Grandma, did little dad have a bad stomach? Or does he have an upset stomach?"

Zhou Wanhua smiled. "Definitely not, don't worry, your little dad is so young, even if there is a problem with the Standing Committee... he must take medicine or something."

"Yeah!" The child nodded fiercely. Laughed. "I think so too."

Zhou Wanhua didn't ask about Lu Huashang any more, and played with her grandson for a while. Then, Lu Huashang's door finally opened, and Lu Pingjin and Zhou Wanhua both looked over at the same time.

When Lu Huashang saw his parents here, he said hello.

"Well, eh?"

"Well, did you just wake up?" Zhou Wanhua squinted at her son.

Lu Huashang nodded. "Well, I slept a little late last night, have you eaten?"

"Have eaten, it's past nine o'clock." Lu Pingjin said.

"Oh." Lu Huashang nodded and said lightly, "I didn't pay attention." The child was very happy to see Lu Huashang, ran over, and took the other's hand. "Little Daddy, you're up."

Hmm. "Lu Huashang smiled and rubbed the child's forehead." When did it start? "

It's 6 o'clock. Aunty Xu and I have eaten. Oh, little dad, you should have breakfast too." "

"Good. "Lu Huashang nodded and walked over to the dining table.

Aunt Xu stuck her head out of the kitchen. "Master woke up? I prepare breakfast right away. "

Then, Aunt Xu hurried to prepare breakfast.

Lu Huashang sat down at the dining table, and the child was very diligent in bringing chopsticks to each other.

Lu Huashang smiled slightly.

Watching the interaction between the father and son, Zhou Wanhua smiled slightly. Laughing, but there was worry in his eyes.

Lu Pingjin said softly: "What happened to my son, do you know?

Zhou Wanhua glanced at her husband lightly, and said sadly, "If my intuition is right... maybe... there is. " "

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