Chapter 149

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Mo Qiqing looked towards Cheng Xiangyuan.

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled slightly, "Don't be angry, Mr. Mo, my younger brother has a bad body since he was a child, so he won't be beaten."

Mr. Mo... Mo Qiqing was silent for a second.

Then, raise your eyebrows.

"Your brother? Are you sure? You two don't look alike at all. Also, which eye did you see that I wanted to beat him? He beat me, okay? I've never been beaten at this age. !"

Cheng Xiangyuan let go of Mo Qiqing's hand when he heard the words, but he still hid Chen Tian slightly behind him.

"I'm really sorry. My younger brother has been spoiled since he was a child. Please forgive me. But my younger brother has been timid since he was a child. If Mr. Mo's hand is stretched out, he will be afraid."

Cheng Xiangyuan said seriously, Qianhui and Chen Tim listened...inexplicably wanted to laugh.

Chen Tian's mood was also much better.

Mo Qiqing looked suspiciously at Cheng Xiangyuan and pointed to Chen Tian. "You said he was timid since he was a child?" "Yes." Cheng Xiangyuan nodded, "He has been timid since he was a child. When he was frightened, he would do some things out of his mind. The doctor said that it was an instinctive reaction. If Mr. Mo We're really sorry for what we've been hurt because of that."

"Pfft." Somebody laughed softly, as if he couldn't hold back.

It's not the people from Cheng Xiangyuan's team, but the people from the other team.

However, they are all in the same camp. Are you laughing like this now, are you telling others that Cheng Xiangyuan, who is talking, is talking nonsense?

This is making enemies!

Cheng Xiangyuan frowned.

I don't know if it was intentional, or the person who laughed accidentally said quickly: "Sorry, my smile is low."

"Then don't talk in front of people." Teng An said lightly.

The man's expression changed immediately.

Teng An glanced at the other party coldly, with a very strong momentum.

The man's face changed again, and his expression turned pale.

Mo Qiqing smiled and said, "Are you playing Laozi as a fool?"

"No, Mr. Mo has misunderstood." Cheng Xiangyuan shook his head, "We are all little people, how dare you play Mr. Mo, my brother It's really timid."

Mo Qiqing suddenly looked at Chen Tian with great interest after hearing this.

"Are you really timid?"

Chen Tian glanced at the other party lightly, the light in his eyes was an undisguised disgust.


It was a very light word, but it was clear that he completely agreed with everything Cheng Xiangyuan said.

Mo Qiqing suddenly laughed and looked at Chen Tian with great interest, "What's your name?"

Chen Tian didn't want to pay attention to the other party at all, so he was silent.

Mo Qiqing took a step forward, Cheng Xiangyuan smiled slightly, "I'm sorry Mr. Mo, my brother has a bad temper since he was a child, he was spoiled, and he can't speak when he meets big people... My name is Cheng Xiangyuan, his name is Chen Tian ."

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