Chapter 131

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Cheng Xiangyuan is indeed in trouble now.

At first, Cheng Xiangyuan accompanied Chen Tian to check there.

Several routine censuses are fine.

But when it came to the last electrocardiogram, the problem came...

The doctor of the electrocardiogram was a female doctor, and she was in a small room. After Chen Tian's turn, Cheng Xiangyuan didn't go in...

But he didn't think so, when he was waiting outside, suddenly I heard an exclamation of "ah" inside, and then, the voice of the female doctor crying.

Cheng Xiangyuan was startled, as were several waiting patients outside, so they all ran inside.

Inside, everyone only saw that the female doctor's white doctor's robe was taken off, and a little underwear could be seen inside.

As for Chen Tian, ​​he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, but his face was ashen, looking at the doctor as disgusting as if he had swallowed a fly.

"Is this patient molesting our female doctor?"

"Yeah, I really can't tell, such a young man has a human face and a beast heart."

"Ah, what the hell is going on?"

Cheng Xiangyuan didn't believe Chen Tian at all. What did you do to the female doctor? Although this female doctor made up her face, she didn't look very young anymore. It is estimated that she must be almost forty years old.

With such a woman, he didn't believe what Chen Tian would do to her.

If Chen Tian really did something, he wouldn't be so ugly.

Cheng Xiangyuan went to help Chen Tian up from the bed, and then saw that Chen Tian was still holding the red, green and green clip for the electrocardiogram in his hand.

Cheng Xiangyuan asked calmly: "What's the matter? Is there any misunderstanding?" The female doctor cried at this time, "Misunderstanding... woo woo... um, misunderstanding, you go out first, I, I will Do it for him once."

Cheng Xiangyuan frowned slightly and said, "Is there a camera in this room?" The female doctor was taken aback, then shook her head, "Well, why is there a camera in this room? The patient's privacy is very important."

"Oh." Cheng Xiangyuan responded. After speaking, without looking at the female doctor, she directly said to Chen Tian, ​​"We won't do this electrocardiogram, let's go first." , and a little scared of Chen Tian, ​​"No way... what to do, just finish it."

When she said this, the female doctor looked very scared, but she followed medical ethics.

Therefore, the eyes of others looking at Chen Tian... are completely looking at hooligans!

"This is really a sin, what a good doctor, what did that guy do?"

"Do you need to ask? What is there to ask? That man with a beast-like heart, looks like a good man, but he is not as good as a beast. Things!"

"Yeah, do you still need to ask? Haven't you seen the doctor's bra exposed? It must be this person who is doing something to the doctor!"

That's all for now, no matter how good Cheng Xiangyuan is His temper was also angry, so he calmly said: "My friend hasn't said anything yet, so you think he's wrong? The doctor didn't say what my friend really did... Besides, it's not that I despise this guy. A doctor, at her age, she is almost the mother of my friend. My friend wants money, money, and looks. Even if he wants a woman, he will not want to find such an aunt to start with, right? The most important thing is , My friend was sick last night, and it was only until this morning that the fever was barely subsided, and he had no strength to walk, come here to do an electrocardiogram and do such a thing?"

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