Chapter 189

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However, this task is not so completed.

Cheng Xiangyuan didn't know what the lid of the coffin in front of them was made of. It looked like wood, but it didn't look like wood.

It was closed so tightly that they couldn't even pry it open.

In the end, Cheng Xiangyuan couldn't help but ask: "Is there any mechanism?"

Everyone is indeed possible!

So, many people lied around and found the mechanism, but there were so many coffins, they touched every inch of it, but still couldn't find any mechanism.

The crowd couldn't help but stare at each other.

And at this moment, someone finally came.

The people who came were two mercenary teams.

However, the two mercenary teams seemed to be distinct.

One wave of eight people, one wave of more than ten people.

Everyone on Cheng Xiangyuan's side looked at Teng An.

Teng An narrowed his eyes and said two numbers. "3, 4."

Everyone narrowed their eyes.

Three or four. And the number of people added up is also less on their side.

"Don't go any further." Hei Zai said, "Otherwise the bullets won't have eyes."

Cheng Xiangyuan's grab was also handed over to Chen Tian.

Chen Tian's marksmanship is much more accurate than Hei Zai's, and also more accurate than Cheng Xiangyuan's. Basically you can point to where to play.

Therefore, Cheng Xiangyuan negotiated with Hei Zai and gave Chen Tian the gun.

The black man only said one word. "It's yours."

This moved Cheng Xiangyuan quite a bit.

Chen Tian thought about the gun sent by Cheng Xiangyuan for only a minute, and then accepted it.

Then, the gun rang, and the bullet hit the foot of a white man walking in front.

If this person just walked a little faster, then he is wearing a foot plate!

The expressions of the two mercenary teams here changed.

The bullet hit here, is the marksmanship accurate, or is it an accident?

If the marksmanship is accurate, this is too scary to be accurate, right?

"Hehe, don't be nervous." A white man stepped forward and spoke Chinese.

"We just want to come to the lake to drink some water."

"Go over there." Chen Tian said lightly. "The water in the upper reaches is better. This is what we use for bathing. It's dirty."

The white man gave a meaningful "Oh" and said enviously, "At this time, the shotguns are only owned by the residents of the island. You are very talented. Ah."

"You're talking too much nonsense." Hei Zai said, raising his gun too. "Go over there, don't talk about other nonsense."

"Hehe, I said it all, don't be nervous, I..."

The man walked two steps forward while talking, and then another bullet whizzed past. .

This time, the bullet not only hit the ground, but directly wiped the opponent's cheek.

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