Chapter 98

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this night. Cheng Xiangyuan rested a little early.

A little after eight o'clock, feeling tired, he put down so many materials that Zhou Tailin gave him to rest.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that something was wrong tonight.

I don't know what's wrong. To be precise, it may be that my heart is not very peaceful...

It's just that Cheng Xiangyuan felt tired, but he couldn't sleep for some reason.

At this moment, the phone on his body rang, the phone was on the bedside table, Cheng Xiangyuan was stunned for a moment, and then took the phone over.

The phone number turned out to be from Lu Huashang.

Cheng Xiangyuan was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, the uneasy feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger, so it was almost stiff. Cheng Xiangyuan picked up the phone.


Lu Huashang's voice immediately sounded over there.

"Did Xiaojiu go to your place?"

"No. What's the matter?"

Lu Huashang paused for a while, and then immediately asked again, "Then did he contact you today? Did he say anything about finding you? ?"

Cheng Xiangyuan's voice became tense when he heard the words.

"Today? He sent a text message when I was in the Great Hall today. I said I was busy, but he didn't say he wanted to come to me. What happened to Xiao Jiu? Is he missing?"

Lu Huashang didn't speak.

Cheng Xiangyuan was anxious. "Lu Huashang, talk to me! What's wrong with Xiaojiu!"

Lu Huashang pursed his lips and finally said, "We ate dinner late today. We played in Tianpo Park twenty minutes ago. Aunt Xu was also there. I went to the toilet, and Aunt Xu watched. When she came out, Aunt Xu said that she bought a cup of hot drink, and Xiao Jiu turned around and disappeared. My people were looking for it, but they can't find it now."

Cheng Xiangyuan gasped. "You are in Tianpox Park? I'll go right away."

After Cheng Xiangyuan finished speaking, he hurriedly hung up the phone, put on his clothes for going out and went out, keeping his mobile phone in his pocket, lest his son contact him suddenly.

Suddenly, when Cheng Xiangyuan ran to the hotel gate, his phone rang.

It was the text message, and Cheng Xiangyuan stopped abruptly.

He took out his mobile phone, his eyes widened, and the blood inside was even more directly congested.

Because it says: "Want your son well? Get to this address within ten minutes, one second later, your son may have some parts missing. Call one more person, and the less parts will be more. Seeing the content of this text message, Cheng Xiangyuan's eyes naturally became bloodshot immediately.

Xiaojiu... Cheng Xiangyuan didn't have time to think about it, so he ran over there.

However, he was more worried that he would not save his son, but would return Let the enemy take advantage!

So, after running for a while, Cheng Xiangyuan got on a taxi and forwarded the text message to Lu Huashang.

It took about seven or eight minutes for the taxi to the address mentioned in the text message. , and it's a bit out of the way.

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