Chapter 109

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Chen Tian didn't want to be eliminated, so he was silent again.

Cheng Xiangyuan dragged the opponent's hand and continued to walk up.

Chen Tian can only follow diligently.

In this way, after walking for another ten minutes, Chen Tian fell to the ground.

Cheng Xiangyuan directly dragged the person onto his back and walked away with his back.

At this time, the appearance of the top of the mountain can be faintly seen ahead.

Chen Tian hurriedly took the time to recover himself on Cheng Xiangyuan's back, panting heavily.

Qianhui secretly smiled bitterly, and almost used the strength of breastfeeding to climb up.

After all, there are still people behind.

Wang Qingxiang and Auger whipped their whips, two of them got up and ran up and down, but a few still couldn't move.

finally. These were directly eliminated.

They are not convinced, they are elite management talents, what are they doing to climb a mountain!

But Wang Qingxiang and Aoge didn't give an explanation at all, they only gave results and eliminated them.

When Cheng Xiangyuan and the others were about to reach the top, Chen Tian tugged at the other's collar.

"I've had enough rest, let me down."

Cheng Xiangyuan didn't insist. put people down.

In the last part of the road, Chen Tian insisted on walking to the top by himself.

The two groups of people, apart from Cheng Xiangyuan carrying a person on his back, would at most support each other.

When everyone was at the top of the mountain, Wang Qingxiang and Oger announced the eliminated personnel.

At this time, there were only twenty-two people in Xiusen's group.

There were twenty-five left in Cheng Xiangyuan's group.

Wang Qingxiang said indifferently, "For ten days, someone will be eliminated every day, I hope you can reach the end.

At this time, one person said: "Captain, Chen Tian was carried over there, is that okay?" It was a person in Wang Qingxiang's team who was at the bottom of the line, and now he seems to be out of breath. , but attacked people first.

Wang Qingxiang glanced over there lightly, "If you can find someone's back, that's fine."

That person was choked a little.

Others were thoughtful.

However, Wang Qingxiang didn't give them too much time to think about it, and said directly: "Okay, everyone can rest for a while, the next ten days will be spent here."

The next ten days... spend here? The expressions of everyone changed slightly.

What's in here? Nothing here!

what to do here?

However, judging from the hardships of going up the mountain, here... there will be nothing good.

Everyone secretly made sufficient psychological preparations, but after Wang Qingxiang said that the weeds on the top of the mountain should be cleared first, everyone's faces were still pale.

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