Chapter 12 Come With Me

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The child was very happy to hear that he could go to his little father after breakfast.

Therefore, he ate breakfast quickly and very full, Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and rubbed his son's head.

"Okay, we're ready to go."

"Yeah." The child nodded, very happy.

It is not easy to take the bus from Caiyuanzi to the Emgrand Hotel, and there are two bus transfers on the way.

Fortunately, a child at his age does not need money. Cheng Xiangyuan took his son to the vicinity of the Emgrand Hotel with three yuan, but it took two hours in terms of time.

After finally getting out of the car, both adults and children breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dad, where is little Daddy?" the child asked in a soft childish voice.

Cheng Xiangyuan thought about it and said. "Your little dad may go to that place, but dad is not sure, so we can only wait and see."

"Is that place? That place is very beautiful. Can we go there and wait for little dad?"

Cheng Xiangyuan Wen Yan smiled bitterly. "No, Dad doesn't have that much money to spend there, so let's wait outside, okay?" The

child was also very sensible. He knew that he wanted to save money for Cheng Xiangyuan, so he said immediately. "Okay, Dad, we'll wait outside."

"Well." Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and nodded. "However, Xiao Jiu, my father also plans to go there to find a job. Xiao Jiu goes in with his father, but his father must not speak when he is talking to others, understand?" The

child nodded immediately after hearing this. "Okay dad, I see."

Cheng Xiangyuan touched his son's head. "Good."

Then, Cheng Xiangyuan took his son around to the back door of the Emgrand Hotel.

When they got to the back door, someone happened to be carrying food there, and Cheng Xiangyuan took his son's hand and went forward.

"Hello, excuse me."

Cheng Xiangyuan's voice made several people who were carrying the dishes stopped.

One of them, about forty years old, looked at Cheng Xiangyuan.


Cheng Xiangyuan smiled honestly. "That's right, I want to come here and ask if there is anything I can do. It's really disturbing."

The middle-aged man frowned when he heard the words, and looked at the child beside Cheng Xiangyuan.

"This is your son?"

"Yes, this is my son."

"You can't take him to work. We are short of someone who can carry vegetables and do manual labor. I look at you. It seems that you have the strength, but your son..."

Cheng Xiangyuan paused and said. "My son won't go to work with me."

"Well, wait a moment. I'll take you to the supervisor when I'm done."

"Thank you, thank you."

Then Cheng Xiangyuan brought He waited with his son by his side.

Those who moved the vegetables took about half an hour to finish. When the car left, Cheng Xiangyuan hurriedly took his son's hand and walked up.


The middle-aged man said that Cheng Xiangyuan, who was honest and friendly, had a good impression of a guy from the countryside. "Come with me."

"Yes, thank you."

The man waved his hand. "No, come with me."

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