Chapter 47 Let's Play Together

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Cheng Xiangyuan suddenly woke up when he said "wife", what is he doing, what is he talking about?

This person is not his wife...not the stupid one he remembered, but he is cute and belongs only to his wife...

The person at this time was Lu Huayu, the boss of a big company, and someone he couldn't reach.

Lowering his eyelids, Cheng Xiangyuan gathered all his thoughts, and then carefully laid Lu Huatang down on the sofa, so that the other party could sleep more comfortably.

Lu Huayu has always been a cautious person, but she didn't wake up under Cheng Xiangyuan's actions, and she didn't know if she was really too sleepy, or if she remembered Cheng Xiangyuan's taste subconsciously, so that even though she was awake, she instinctively rejected her rationally. but the body's instincts do not reject it when asleep...

The child has been watching silently by the side, and after Lu Huayu fell asleep, he didn't make a sound at all, for fear of waking up his little father to sleep.

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled slightly, "Your little dad is asleep. Dad brought you some toys. Would you like to play on the sofa?"

The child nodded, pointed to the sofa next to him and said, "Dad, I'm sitting there and playing, don't disturb little dad to sleep."

"Okay." Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and nodded.

Lu Huayu slept until more than seven o'clock in the evening before waking up, and the reason why he woke up was because he smelled the smell of food and woke up hungry!

Opening her eyes, she didn't hear any sound. She glanced at the ceiling of the living room, and Lu Huayu sat up abruptly.

When he sat up, the first thing he saw was Cheng Xiangyuan and Aunt Xu who were busy in the kitchen. Then there is the son on the sofa.

When the child saw that Lu Huayu woke up, he hurriedly looked over.

"Little Daddy."

Lu Huayu slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, showing a smile similar to a smile, which was very rare for him with emotional deficit disorder. God knows, since childhood, his smile has always been pitiful.

"Are you playing?" Lu Huayu asked, as she asked, she had already got off the sofa and walked over to her son.

The child nodded. "Well, playing with toys."

Lu Huaying nodded. Then I picked up my phone and checked the time, and found that it was already past seven o'clock, and it was already dark outside.

"Have you had dinner?" Lu Huayu asked.

Hearing the words, the child shook his head. "No, but it's already delicious. I was thinking about waking up my little dad just now. My little dad, are you tired from work?"

Hearing this, Lu Huayu paused for a moment, and then said, "It's okay, what's wrong?"

"It's a very sad headache," said the child. "Little Daddy, is Daddy's way okay?"

Lu Huayu couldn't deny this question, so he nodded. "Yes, Not Bad."

"Really." The child's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said happily: "In that case, when the little father feels uncomfortable, he can ask his father for help. Dad is very powerful."

The child clearly expressed his admiration for his father, but these words... made Lu Huayu a little awkwardly silent. Because he found that the child's words...he was speechless!

At this time, Cheng Xiangyuan came out of the kitchen with dinner, and saw that Lu Huayu was awake, but was slightly startled. He put the tableware and chopsticks on the table, and then walked over.

"Are you awake... Is your head more comfortable?" Naturally, he asked Lu Huayan.

Lu Huayu nodded, pursed the corner of his mouth, and said lightly, "It's much more comfortable, thank you for your recipe."

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled uncomfortably. "You'll be fine..." Then, he hurriedly turned to his son. "Xiao Jiu, it's time for dinner. Dad will take you to the toilet. Would you like to wash your hands?"

"Okay." The child nodded obediently immediately after hearing this.

So Cheng Xiangyuan hurriedly took his son to the toilet...

Lu Huayu watched the father and son enter the toilet with a slightly complicated look in his eyes. However, this complexity is also fleeting, and soon disappears.

Aunt Xu also came out of the kitchen with dinner, "Master, are you awake? It's time for dinner."

"Yeah." Lu Huayu nodded lightly, went over to the dining table and sat down.

After a while, Cheng Xiangyuan came out of the toilet with his son.

Aunt Xu pulled the chair on the side of the dining table away, "Come, come and sit."

Cheng Xiangyuan hugged his son, put him on the chair and sat down, then opened the chair and sat in...

Although I had dinner with Lu Huaying in the hospital, it wasn't on the same table after all...

On a table...that was a long, long time ago...

Thinking of this, Cheng Xiangyuan vaguely felt a little sour in his heart.

After dinner, Aunt Xu quickly went to clear the table. Cheng Xiangyuan took the child to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.

Lu Huayu sat down on the sofa in the living room...I don't know what to think.

Cheng Xiangyuan took his son out of the bathroom after washing his face, and Aunt Xu looked down from the kitchen, "Mr. Cheng, you can take Xiao Jiu to play below."

After the incident at noon, Aunt Xu believed that there would definitely be no more eyes closed!

She understands the speed at which some things spread!

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled and nodded. "it is good."

At this moment, Aunt Xu suddenly turned to Lu Huayu, "Master, you can go down and play with the young master as well."

Lu Huayu was stunned.

The child looked at Lu Huayu expectantly.

Looking at those small clear eyes, Lu Huayu finally nodded slowly. "Um."

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