Chapter 125

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Cheng Xiangyuan was holding the child and talking while the father and son exchanged what happened in the past few days.

The child asked Cheng Xiangyuan how busy he was at work, and Cheng Xiangyuan picked some interesting stories to say.

Cheng Xiangyuan asked the child how he got along with his grandparents.

The child didn't say that he was studying most of the time, he just picked fun.

In this way, the two of them chatted for more than an hour.

At this time, Wang Qingxiang finally got out of the car.

Then, the other party walked towards Cheng Xiangyuan. "Mr. Lu's father, Mr. Lu, and Mrs. Lu are all in the car now. They intend to chat with you, but they respect your opinion. What do you say?"

Cheng Xiangyuan was silent for a while, and finally said slowly: "Sorry, I think...let's forget it."

Wang Qingxiang raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "Xiaojiu, uncle, talk to your father, how about you go to grandparents first?"

"Okay." Child Very sensible, he wiped Cheng Xiangyuan's trouser legs with attachment, Cheng Xiangyuan lowered his head, seeing the indescribably cute look of the child rubbing against his own trouser legs, he couldn't help kissing the other person's cheek.

"Xiao Jiu, go to the car first."

"Okay." The child smiled brightly and nodded. Run to the car over there.

Cheng Xiangyuan smiled slightly, and finally put away the smile on his face after the figure of the child got into the car.

Wang Qingxiang said softly: "I don't know what happened to you and Mr. Lu, but I can see that Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu are very sincere, and they are elders. It's not polite for you to refuse like this?"

Cheng Xiangyuan was silent. down.

Wang Qingxiang patted the other party's shoulder. "You don't have to think too much. Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu are very easy-going people. If there is any misunderstanding... it's better to communicate with each other, what do you think?"

Cheng Xiangyuan did not speak.

Wang Qingxiang said the last sentence softly. "If you don't talk about some things, it doesn't mean they don't exist. Are you saying that? That's something you have to face sooner or later, what do you think?"

Cheng Xiangyuan's eyes flickered slightly, and he finally nodded slowly. "You're right, thank you very much, Captain."

Evasion can't solve any problems, what's more, he... also wants to talk to those two people once.

Although, some results, in fact, they already knew.

With a slight smile, Cheng Xiangyuan walked over there.

"Little Jiu." In the car, Zhou Wanhua smiled and said, "Grandma will take you out to see the wonders here, okay?"

"Wonderful scenes?" Although the child is young, he is not an idiot. He came here from Cheng Xiangyuan. At that time, he knew that his grandparents should have something to tell his father.

Now grandma wants to take herself away, that is, grandpa wants to talk to dad.

The child was a little worried, but he knew better... Even his father wouldn't let him here.

The little fist clenched, Cheng Jiuxiao couldn't help but think, if he is not a child now, but a big child, or a very big one...

Then, is it grandparents, father, little father? Will you avoid everything?

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