Chapter 2: Train

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The courier came on time and afterward, I had time to pack my bags. I only packed the bare minimum of clothing, hygiene articles, a notebook, pens, my recharge cable for my phone, extra cash, my documents, wallet, and keys.

I put on a jacket and then took my backpack. My eyes fell on another painting I did. It was covered with a cloth. I couldn't see the painting, but I knew what it looked like, I have worked on it for the past eight days as a form of therapy. Should I bring it with me?

I lifted the painting and uncovered it. The painting shows the group, Thomas, Hannah, Lilly, Dan, Cleo, Jake, me, and even Phil, all together. Richy was standing close by, even if it was only him standing with his back towards us as if he was close, yet so far. Hannah and Thomas were hugging together, Cleo was standing with Jessy, Phil standing behind his sister, Lilly was patting Jake's head who was looking a bit shy, and I was standing a bit further away, just watching the group with a smile. Dan in his wheelchair was crossing his arms. The forest of Duskwood was seen in the background, and a couple of Ravens were flying into the sky.

Maybe I should just leave this painting near the gates of hope as a form of saying goodbye. I couldn't hang this painting in my apartment, it would bring too much sadness.

I sighed. I shall just bring it with me and who knows, maybe the gates of hope can put it on auction and use the money to finance their events. I haven't done a charity auction for a long time.

With the painting under my arm, I hurried to the train station. I was on time when the train leading to Duskwood arrived.

I sat down, somewhere nice and secluded, to be alone in my thoughts. As I looked outside the window, seeing the landscapes passing me by, I thought about what happened.

I wonder if anyone in Duskwood will recognize me. I have never shown anyone in the group my face during a call or sent a picture like Jessy does for me, but I have let my full real name slip once, so I can imagine, anyone who is curious would have googled my name, and since I have quite made a name for myself with my art, I was easily found.

How would I react if one of my friends taps my shoulder and ask in surprise: "Lia, you here in Duskwood?!"

I smiled. That would be really nice. I would grin ear to ear and sheepishly say: "Yep, it's me in the flesh!"

"Oh my God, that's so awesome!" Jessy would say and jump to hug me.

"Let's go to Café Rainbow! You have to tell us everything about you!" Cleo pulls me with her as I giggled until we arrived there. Thomas and Hannah were surprised to see me.

"Lia, we haven't thanked you for everything you did," Hannah came closer. I was happy to see she was alright.

"It's alright, I couldn't help it," I replied honestly.

"Yo Boo, never imagined to actually see you here," came the comment from Dan.

I rolled my eyes, "nice to finally see you too Jack Daniels."

"Thank you, Lia," Lilly smiled, then her eyes looked at something behind me. I felt someone touching my shoulder gently. My heart skipped a beat. I gulped and felt the butterflies in my stomach.

I turned around, to finally look into the eyes I had been dying to see. What colors will I see?

"Next stop, Duskwood."

I groaned and cursed when I got woken up by the announcement. I had such a good dream, could I have not dreamt a little longer? I grabbed my backpack and the painting, trying to dismiss the pain I felt in my chest, knowing that none of my daydreams will come true. I'm just the nobody that won't be missed.

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